Selling My Scorpion

Selling My Scorpion

Heavens no!

Don't make me dependant

On The Welfare State

Let me sell my psychosis

On the free market

Let me flog my shattered sex

To the tabloid press

Rather than the indignity

Of telling a para-medical person

Working for some statist entity

Of the failings of my dignity

Let me give head

Under a darkened bridge instead

For it is more noble

To barter my frailty

To the minor nobility

So I can be the butter

While two old men be the bread

Why I would rather be dead

Than by welfare be fed

Free me from the shackles!

Let me tell my story on the street

For sheckles

Why trap me in dependency

When my misery

Can be my self sufficiency

If not for the Nanny State

I could have written a best selling misery memoir

That would be great!

And it would put venison on my plate

There is a whole global market in which to sell my scorpion

I could sell my body

And call it a date

Who needs quiet and stability

I want to sell my shame

My only commodity

Name your price!

I will sink to any vice

Povey 2014