
If one accepts the notion that 'God' is a delusion, should not then ones response to the phenonemon be a therapuetic rather than polemical one. I doubt that Godoctomies are possible or desirable or in fact the solution. Also surely one should realise that it is a belief that rises out of ordinary human functions, even if one thinks that belief has become maladaptive. So perhaps rather than trying to make the belief dissapear, which seems unlikely in most cases, perhaps the key is to encourage a healthy field of agnosticism in everyone from muslims to marxists and make that our definition of sanity. for in truth it is the only truth we can be reasonably sure of from the evidence. That is that none of us really knows all that much and we should be carefull to listen to others and recognise that they have a right to an opinion and that we may in fact be wrong. Which coincidentally is probably a pretty acurate description of what actual mental health proffessionals would define as sanity...