

Oh to live in Leeds

Where the radio aire is sweet

And the burgalers are petit

A bit like a hobbit

If they see a student house

they rob it

The pizzas are nice and cheap

And the birds go twitter, cheep, cheep.

There are lots of trees

In the summer some bees.

Londoners love

That leeds men call each other love


If they've worked, drank, fought together many times


Rave about our nightlife

Crooks in leeds are less likely to carry a gun than a knife

Might not sound much.

But a knife is less likely to take your life.

Other cities have a lot of strife

With drugs, crime and gangs they are rife

Leeds isnt so bad

It hasnt had half the murders that some have had

Im not being depressing

Im just confessing the faults

At christmas Leeds is lit with a million volts

Its sports fans are fanatical

Thousands of students take a friday night sabbtical

There are girls with mini skirts

Yobos with check shirts

There are lefties in leeds six

Sometimes we have riots and throw bricks

One day it seems like the set of blade runner

The next like excaliber, with the pagan fog of summer

Smackheads chase the dragon

Pissheads fight like Ricky Hatton

Its a place to make the bloodrise

Then fall at sunrise

If I died now.

I could go to Devon

And tell them that the good lord saw to my needs

He gave me Leeds

Ewan Povey Jan 2010