The British Weather is Free

The British weather is free

If you have the right passport

Or visa

The British weather is free

You have to pay

For a roof on your head

Or a blanket on your bed

Boots on your feet

And something to eat

But the British weather is free

Pay for access to politicians

Or to air your views

Pay for internet access

So you can read the news

Pay up front for benefits, healthcare and pensions

That you may or may not recieve

Pay to support the religions

That you may or may not believe

However, the British weather is free

You neednt pay a fee

For it is free

So could we be

So long as we can accept

That it rains nightly

On all the saints and the sins

Whether one eats Blue Ribbon

Or out of bins

In truth we can be free as the weather

If we can resolve our contradictory attitude to all this

Is the British weather a curse

Or is it a gift.

E J Povey 2013