Positive/Negative Space- Minimalism

Artist Statement:

The subject of this photograph is a shelf at the Portland Museum of art used as part of an exhibit. I rotated the angle of the image and enhanced the lighting so that the shadows could be better seen. While editing this photo I used the photo editor on my laptop to enhance the colors to make them brighter. I chose to create this photo because I was drawn to the geometric shapes of the wall and the shadows they created. The materials I used was Canon Rebel t5 camera and the photo editor on my laptop. The elements of art that I used were color and shape. The principles of design that I used were contrast and balance. The composition rules/ techniques that I used was rule of thirds. My project evolved because I took many photographs while I was at the museum and edited them in a variety of different way. The meaning behind this image is to see different sides of every issue. This project relates to my life because I love going to art museums and creating my own artwork so I liked being able to see all of the art and for it to inspire my own artwork. If I could change anything about this photo I would have experimented more with different editing techniques.

Artist Statement:

The subject of this photograph is feet standing on a giant chess chess board. To create this photo I had my friend Julia stand on two black squares on a chess set. While editing this photo I turned the photo black and white and adjusted the lighting and contrast. I chose to create this photo because I liked the contrast between her shoes and the black and white chess board. The material I used was my Canon Rebel t5 camera and the photo editor on my laptop.The elements of art that I used were line and shape. The principles of design that I used was contrast and repetition. The composition rules/ techniques that I used was informal balance. My project evolved because I used a few different editing tools to experiment with the composition and lighting of the image. While I was taking this photo I moved the chess pieces around to add more contrast to the image. The meaning behind this image is to remember to take time out in your own life to have fun and do the things you love. This project relates to my life because I love creating artwork that had color blocking or high contrast, which is part of my personal style. If I could change anything about this photograph I would move the black chess pieces from behind Julia's legs so that they don't blend in with her pants.