Leading Lines

Artist Statement:

The subject of this photograph is the Timberline lift at Sugarloaf. To create this photo I took my phone out on the lift and took a photo of the chairlift in front of me and the lines that the chairlift created. While editing this photo I adjusted some of the lighting and coloring of the image. I chose to create this photo because I thought that the lines created by the chairlift allowed for leading lines to the chair. I liked the way the lines emphasised that the chair was headed upwards. The material I used was my phone camera, I then edited it using the iphoto setting on my phone. The elements of art that I used were line and texture. The principles of design that I used were pattern and contrast. The composition rules/ techniques that I used was informal balance. My project evolved because I took many different photos to see which angle I liked the lift lines to be at and the lighting in the image. The meaning behind this image is to notice the art in everything. This project relates to my life because I go up to Sugarloaf almost every weekend to ski with my family and I've always loved going up there when I was growing up. If I could change anything about this photograph I would add more light so that all the textures could be clearly seen.

Artist Statement:

The subject of this photograph is my friend Julia sitting in the center of a giant game of chess in the Maine Mall. To create this photo I had Julia sit in the center of the chess board and then I arranged the chess pieces around her. While editing this photo I turned the photo black and white and adjusted the lighting and contrast. I chose to create this photo because I really liked the pattern and contrast of the black and white board and the life sized chess pieces. The material I used was my Canon Rebel t5 camera and the photo editor on my laptop. The elements of art that I used were line, value, and shape. The principles of design that I used were pattern and contrast. The composition rules/ techniques that I used was informal balance. My project evolved because I took many photos from different angles (birds eye view and ants eye view) and stances (having Julia sit, stand, and lay down). The meaning behind this image is to think through every move and decision you make in life no matter how simple of difficult it is. This project relates to my life because when I was younger I used to love playing board games with my friends and family. If I could change anything about this photograph I would have more white chess pieces surrounding Julia.