Animal Blind Contour Art

Artist Statement:

The subject of these drawing are a giraffe, a hermit crab and a lobster. The materials I used were watercolor paint and fine point pen. I chose to make this specific artwork because I really liked the colors and patterns created by the stripes/shell/spotting on each of these animals.

The elements of art that I used were color and line. The principals of design that I used were pattern and proportion/scale. The composition rules/ techniques that I used was formal balance for the first two drawings and rule of thirds for the last one.

My project evolved because I started out with 3 blind contour drawings and then I added in watercolor and more pen details to make the drawings more realistic. The meaning behind this artwork is that even without control you can create something amazing. This project relates to my life because in the past I have never really liked doing blind contour drawings, but throughout this project I grew to like them a lot. If I could change anything about this artwork I would add backgrounds to some of the drawings.