Photo 2 Final Portfolio






"Puppy Love"








"The Rack"


"Bigalow Range"




"Ski The East"






My work shows that I have improved because in the beginning of the year I was learning about different tools and techniques in photography. I have been able to use those skills that I learned to create stronger photography in photo 2. The most challenging part of this class was having to come up with new photography ideas so frequently and only having a few days to complete them. I am most proud of the diversity of images that I was able to create, both digital and film, by using a variety of different editing and film processes. I have especially enjoyed being able to learn about film photography and different altered processes. Before taking photo 1 and 2 I had never had any experience with dark room photography and I really liked being able to experiment with each element of the dark room process; including the exposure, filter, aperture, and altered developer processes. I learned a lot about using photoshop to edit and create more intriguing images. I like being able to take my photos to another level after the photo is taken by editing the lighting, coloring, and layering drawings or images on top. My work illustrates my strengths and weaknesses as a learning because my photography has improved a lot by taking this course along with Photo 1. Although, I always put a lot of time and effort into every product that I create the final result doesn't always end up looking like I wanted it to.