Charlene Soo


Hi there! I’m Charlene, a film composer and singer-songwriter with a deep love for stories and all things cinema. I am dedicated to the art of interweaving music with narratives, and I love exploring diverse styles of music that would best complement the picture.

Academically, I recently graduated from the University of Liverpool, where I pursued a joint honours degree in Music and Communication, with a focus on Film Scoring. Before moving to the UK, I spent the first year of my degree at The University of Western Australia, where I majored in Electronic Music and Sound Design, delving deep into sound synthesis and plug-in design. Currently, I’m pursuing my Masters in Music Theory and Composition: Screen Scoring at New York University Steinhardt. I am also being mentored by Andy Hill (ex-vice-president of music production at Disney). Given my experience, I can offer a classic Hollywood orchestral main theme, hybrid electroacoustic piece, pop/alternative end credits song, and much more.

In my free time, I am either knee-deep in a novel, or on the hunt for the best plate of pasta. I love to collaborate with filmmakers and musicians, and you can check out my music at Feel free to drop me a message at, whether it is to discuss your next creative endeavour, or to share your recommendations for a good book or pasta!

Track playlist