
Information for Parents and Carers

This page has been created to provide parents and carers with information about Coronavirus (COVID-19). This page will be updated regularly and contains academy specific information as well as guidance from Academies Enterprise Trust.

Academy Information

Coronavirus Update

Please see the latest Government's advice on Coronavirus: COVID Information

February 2022 Lea Forest Quick Guide for Parents and Carers re Covid-19.pdf

Covid-19 Symptoms- February 2022

On 21 February the Prime Minister set out the next phase of the Government’s COVID19 response. COVID-19 continues to be a virus that we learn to live with and the imperative to reduce the disruption to children and young people’s education remains. Our priority is to continue to deliver face-to-face, high-quality education to all pupils. The evidence is clear that being out of education causes significant harm to educational attainment, life chances and mental and physical health.

You and your family should follow guidance on People with COVID-19 and their contacts if they have COVID-19 symptoms.

You will find more information including our risk assessment at the base of this page.

Covid-19 Symptoms- February 2022

The main symptoms of COVID-19 are:

high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back

new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

We advise you to follow government guidance to self isolate for 10 days if you have had these symptoms and arrange a PCR test at your local test centre.

September 2021 Lea Forest Returning to School Quick Guide for Parents and Carers re Covid-19.pdf

Updated Information for Parents and Carers - September 2021

Our updated COVID-19 Information Guide for Parents and Carers contains useful information regarding our Stay Safe procedures and our plans. in the event of an out break within the local community.

Please click here to download a copy to your device

LFP - Primary Covid LFP Outbreak Contingency Plan (for parents) – September 2021 .pdf

Updated Covid Outbreak Contingency Plan Lea Forest - September 2021

Our plan contains useful information and our expectations for all community members, as well as explaining the steps we are taking to keep everyone as safe as possible.

Please click here to download a copy to your device

September 2021 LFP Covid 19 Safe Visitor Handbook .pdf

Information for Visitors

We ask that you do not enter our building if you have the following symptoms in the past 10 days:

high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back

new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

We advise you to follow government guidance to self isolate for 10 days if you have had these symptoms.

You must wash your hands upon entering each room using the sanitiser provided.

We ask that unless you are exempt you wear a face mask in smaller meeting rooms if you are not a regular visitor to our school and undertaking regular lateral flow tests.

Please ensure any PPE, Gloves, Tissues or Clinical waste is disposed of in the appropriate medical waste bins located in the building.

If you experience Covid-19 symptoms and test positive for Covid-19 within 48 hours of visiting us, please contact us immediately on 0121 675 3985 Option 3, or email We also ask that you actively engage with track and trace procedures.

Lea Forest Food Bank:

We run a small food bank to support our community. Please check for opening times daily on ClassDojo, Twitter and FaceBook.

Safeguarding advice and contact information for all parents

Please see the Coronavirus page of our website for the latest advice and information

Updated: September 1 2021

Trust Guidance

Updated February 2022