Academy Admissions


The academy is able to accept 90 children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, and 64 in Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 places are allocated in accordance with Birmingham City Council's admission criteria.

Our Nursery currently offers part time places from 8:45am - 12:00pm and has spaces for 26 children.

Places for Nursery and Reception are allocated via Birmingham City Council early in the autumn term. Parent's who have applied for Nursery and Reception places are usually informed if their application has been successful around the beginning of May.

Please ensure that you complete your application form promptly and return it to the office. In accordance with Birmingham City Council the academy gives priority to applications for children with siblings already at the academy, children with a statement of special needs and those who live within a specific distance from the academy.

Applications for available places in all other classes should be made via the office. Please contact our friendly staff on 0121 675 3985.

When your child joins the academy it is crucial that you provide us with accurate medical needs and contact details in the event of an emergency. We ask that all parents inform the main office of any changes in these details, so that we can keep our records up to date.

Please see the Admissions and Appeals section of our site for further information.

Updated October 2021