
Messages From Mr Clarke-Castello

posted Sunday 18 Dec 2022 07:25am , by J Croxon

After a hugely successful term we have finally made it to the Christmas holidays. The children have had a wonderful time preparing for Christmas and taking part in Christmas activities over the last few weeks. The Christmas productions have been absolutely amazing this week and we were delighted with the amount of parents, carers and friends of Lea Forest joining us each day. The daily raffles have been a huge success and we’ve taken lots of pleasure in awarding three bulging hampers every day.

The money raised from our Christmas Fayre and raffles has exceeded £1,700. Thank you so much for your support.

I would also like to take this opportunity to reflect on the last term and celebrate all of the academic achievements. We are so proud of the academic excellence and opportunities we offer at Lea Forest. The children receive an exceptional education. As you are all aware, Ofsted visited last week and we are waiting for the official report to be published which should be early January.

In true tradition, the staff team have created a Christmas video to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. This year, we have done a lip sync to Leona Lewis’ famous Christmas song, One more Sleep. Click on the link to view:

Over the Christmas period, the Christmas edition of The Epic Game Show (Child’s Play) presented by Alan Carr will be showing on ITV1 at 7pm on Sunday 18th December. Look out for some familiar faces as this episode will feature some superstars from Lea Forest. We are also really proud of our children who have starred in the latest series of ‘Playground Politics’ on The Russell Howard Hour:

George and Ezra: Ukraine, America, Survival Skills and Internet Trolls

Khalif and Isaaq: Meaning of Life, Education and the upcoming Christmas Episode

Olivia and Khadijah: Television

We would like to wish each and every one of you a truly special Christmas. With so much concern and worry around finances and health and with the most recent local tragedy, it is so very important that the children have a special time with their families and loved ones over the Christmas period. They have been a credit to you and we look forward to seeing you all safe and well on Tuesday 3 January 2023.

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

Mr Clarke-Castello

Attendance Update

posted Sunday 18 Dec 2022 07:25am , by J Croxon

Our 97% target was in reach just 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately, attendance has taken a real dip (due to illness) and we have fallen way below our expectation! We MUST all try harder in the new year!

Our attendance for

the week is


Our attendance for

the year to date is


The winning classes for our World Cup Attendance Competition are…

5SJ, 4SH and 1SB.

The children will receive a reward in their classes on Friday.

Early Years Trip to the Theatre

posted Sunday 18 Dec 2022 07:25am , by J Croxon

On Wednesday this week, children in Years 3, 4 and 5 visited The REP theatre Birmingham to watch Nativity! The Musical.

Wow! What a fantastic show it was! Based on the much-loved film, this musical was enjoyed by all the staff and children alike. There were some laugh out loud moments, singing and dancing. The children at the end of the show were on their feet singing and dancing along with the cast.

For some children this was their first experience of going to the theatre with a live orchestra and special effects. There were gasps, laughs and cheers as the children followed the story of the children at St Bernadette’s preparing a Nativity fit for Hollywood.

The children as always were excellent ambassadors of the school and I am sure some of the children were inspired by the young cast members who were performing on stage.

Punctuality Matters

posted Sunday 18 Dec 2022 07:25am , by J Croxon

At Lea Forest, we monitor punctuality as well as attendance. The law treats some persistent lateness in the same way as irregular attendance and parents may be prosecuted by the Local Authority if late arrival is not resolved.

The school gates open daily at 8:45am

Poor punctuality can lead to your child…

  • Feeling embarrassed in front of their friends

  • Missing the beginning of vital lessons

  • Missing important instructions for the rest of the school day

Messages From Mr Clarke-Castello

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 07:21am , by J Croxon


As we approach Christmas, it is full steam ahead here at Lea Forest. It’s been a bumper-packed week with so many visitors, trips, workshops, awards and celebrations - our feet haven’t touched the ground!

Modeshift Star Award

Being the first school in the whole of the Midlands to be awarded the Modeshift Stars PLATINUM Award, we were invited along to Birmingham Council House this week to collect our framed certificate. Modeshift STARS is the Centre of Excellence for the delivery of Effective Travel Plans in Education, Business and Community settings.

The scheme recognises schools, businesses and other organisations that have shown excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable and active travel. Mia and Abdur-Rahmen were our pupil representatives who both spoke with confidence to Councillor Liz Clements (Cabinet Minister for Transport). Following the awards ceremony, we were lucky enough to have a tour around the Council House, visiting the Lord Mayor’s Office and the Chambers.


Unfortunately, our attendance has fallen well below our expectations this week. Please make every effort to ensure children are in school every day! I am aware that it is that time of year with lots of bugs lingering around, but if your child is well enough to come to school, please send them in. If they are too poorly during the school day, we will contact you. The challenge for next week is to see how many classes can achieve 100% - allowing children to learn more, supporting them to reach their full potential.


Thank you to the children, parents, carers and family members that joined our Early Years and Key Stage 1 Crafternoons this week. We were so impressed by attendance and were delighted that everyone had such a wonderful time. More of these to come in the Spring term.

Bring it On Brum

There are still places available at free holiday clubs over Christmas - many of these provide lunch for your children too. Please do take a look and contact venues

for more details:

Mr Clarke-Castello

Punctuality Reminder

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 07:21am , by J Croxon

At Lea Forest, we monitor punctuality as well as attendance. The law treats some persistent lateness in the same way as irregular attendance and parents may be prosecuted by the Local Authority if late arrival is not resolved.

The school gates open daily at 8:45. Please make sure your child is at school on time so that they do not miss out on learning time.

Poor punctuality can lead to your child…

  • Feeling embarrassed in front of their friends

  • Missing the beginning of vital lessons

  • Missing important instructions for the rest of the school day

Attendance Holiday Requests

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 07:21am , by J Croxon

We have had several requests from parents for holidays in term time this academic year. Please be aware that family holidays in term time are not allowed in law and are highly unlikely to be authorised. Research has shown a clear link between attendance and attainment. Absence from school interrupts teaching and learning and therefore has a negative impact on progress.

Any leave in term time applications must be made through the office and a meeting with the headteacher will be arranged to discuss the request. Birmingham City Council strongly discourages pupil leave of absence during term time and you may be issued with a Penalty Notice if there are a sufficient number of days of absence.

Family Emergencies

It is not always appropriate or in the best interests for a child to miss school for emergencies which are being dealt with by adult family members. Notifying the school of leave due to a family emergency does not mean it will be authorised. School relationships can provide pupils with stability and care during difficult times.*

Reception Places for September 2023

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 07:21am , by J Croxon

If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019, they will be able to start school in September 2023. Parents must apply online for a reception place at Lea Forest via the Birmingham City Council website. Parents can make an appointment with Mr Croxon via the school office if they require any help completing the online form.

School Uniform Reminder

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 08:21am , by J Croxon

If you are unsure of our school uniform policy, please refer to our website.

If you are having difficulties purchasing the correct

uniform and need some help, please contact a

member of staff and we will be happy to support you. Equally, if your child has particular needs, let us know and we will always make reasonable adjustments on an individual basis.

Help in Brum - Community Help and Support

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 08:21am , by J Croxon

Votes for Schools Updates

posted Sunday 04 Dec 07:32am , by J Croxon

Following requests from voters, the VoteTopic for this week has explored British Sign Language and accessibility in the UK. Voters have explored some of the key facts and figures behind BSL, as well as some of the big success stories for the Deaf community from the past year. Key Stage 1 have been exploring: “Should everyone learn sign language?”

Whereas in Key Stage 2 they’ve questioned: “Will increased awareness get more people learning BSL?”

Subject Spotlight - PSHE

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 07:32am , by J Croxon

Our PSHE curriculum covers a range of topics, including many pressing issues facing young people today including: mental health, staying safe online, positive relationships, drugs, alcohol, challenging extremism, careers and financial literacy. Our curriculum is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage their lives effectively. We want our students to develop an understanding of the ever changing world in which we live, so we encourage them to utilise these skills by playing an active role in their community.

PSHE Intent Statement:

To provide an ambitious, comprehensive, relevant, purposeful and inclusive PSHE curriculum that provides our children with the body of knowledge and skills to have an exceptional character and lead a remarkable life.

All of our teaching centres around the RSHE DfE statutory objectives;the PSHE association programme of study and children’s rights. Each year group works stringently through each half term’s skills and knowledge objectives. These topics include: Me and My Relationships; Valuing Differences; Being Safe; Rights and Respect; Being my Best; Growing and Changing. All of the RSHE statutory DfE objectives are intertwined creatively throughout the curriculum and supported everyday by the children’s learning.

Rights of the Child Updates

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 07:32am , by J Croxon

If a country has laws and standards that go further than the present Convention, then the country must keep these laws.

It is human rights day on the 10th December. Children’s rights are human rights so we can celebrate them alongside the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Recycling Updates

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 07:32am , by J Croxon

Our recycling buddies have continued to work very hard to protect our planet and save many milk cartons from going into landfill.

We hope they can inspire you to recycle more at home to better look after planet Earth. Our next target to recycle is glue sticks - watch this space!

We are also continuing to recycle old unwanted batteries and have already collected over 2550 batteries since the start of term!

TTRS Update

posted Sunday 04 Dec 09:46am , by J Croxon

On Wednesday 23rd November Mrs Hartles and Mrs Newbold held a TTRS parent workshop. It was wonderful to see so many parents attend and participate in the fun competitions and challenges between the two classes. If you were unable to attend the notes and slides can be found on classdojo. From the 3rd January to the 6th January 2023 Y4 will be competing in a TTRS competition against other AET Midlands schools to see who will be crowned TTRS champions. Throughout the Spring Term there will also be a range of other competitions for all year groups.

Character Curriculum Updates

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 09:46am , by J Croxon

At Lea Forest we aim to develop our pupils’ character through the growth of relationships that define us as humans Through our curriculum, we develop a set of competencies (behaviours) which enable each and every one of our pupils to lead a remarkable life. In addition to the tasks provided by individual class teachers, a ‘Character Curriculum Challenge’ will be set fortnightly on the newsletter.

On this occasion, we would like you to watch a film and review it. Examples of film reviews (for / by children) can be found on the Common Sense Media website and can even be published on Amazon and beyond. So what’s your favourite film? Remember to send your film reviews to Mr Croxon or your class teachers (either on Class Dojo or Twitter) and the best ones will be evidenced in the Character Curriculum (evidence) Book for your class!

E-Safety Updates

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 09:46am , by J Croxon

Roblox is a popular video game that allows users to create and build their own levels and games for other people to play them. They can play each other’s creations by themselves or with other people online.

Top tips for parents:

There may be some content that is unsuitable for certain age groups. Take note of the ratings system - it will rank content by age appropriateness.

Online games can be a great way to connect with friends but there are some dangers to this. It is advised that you disable messages or tweak the settings to only allow messages from specific groups.

Block and report players in the game using the flag symbol if you have any concerns.

Set parental controls. Add your email address to your child’s account through the settings menu and create a secure pin to stop the settings being changed.

Travel Tracker Updates

posted Sunday 04 Dec 2022 09:46am , by J Croxon

We finished November at the top of the Birmingham Travel Tracker League Table. Our classes recorded 9762 active journeys and 6310 walking trips.

5SC topped the leaderboard for Key Stage 2 and 2JM were our most active class in Key Stage 1 this month.

Look out for our November Badges which are being sent home today.