April 2022

Messages from Mr Clarke-Castello

posted 30 April 2022 , 09:31 by J Croxon

Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a fabulous Easter break. The summer term is always the best term with so many events taking place. We will be sending out lots of information over the coming weeks so please make sure that you check Class Dojo and keep-up to date with the latest news on our website and weekly newsletters.

Bikeability Award

We were joined by important visitors this morning for a wonderful event to celebrate being chosen as the Bikeability ‘School of the Year 2022’. We love our new award and the children have each been presented with a sparkly new bell to go on their bike or scooter at home. Look out for the prizes coming home today and share any pictures of them fitted please. We were also thrilled to announce the winners of the three bike subscription prizes from the sponsors, Bike Club UK, who have a brand new bike to use for the next 12 months! Find out more at: https://bikeclub.com

Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance for the year so far is 96.9% and we are extremely pleased that we are exceeding our target of 96.5%. We now want to ensure that attendance remains at this high level for the remainder of the year. It is important that children are in school every day that they possibly can be so they do not miss out on valuable educational activities and opportunities. This term we will be running further initiatives to reward pupils with good attendance. This will be begin with the attendance spotlight competition on Friday 6th May. The attendance league will start again and the classes at the top of each league at the end of the half term will celebrate with a pizza party. We will be continuing to monitor punctuality as well as attendance. The school gates open daily at 8:45am and lessons start promptly at 9:00am. Please make sure your child is at school on time so that they do not miss out on learning time.If your child is unwell and not able to attend school, it is essential that parents call the office first thing in the morning to let us know. If we do not have contact and are then unable to contact you this may become a safeguarding concern and we may then need to carry out a home visit. We really value your support in working with us to improve attendance.

Local Elections

Our school building will be in use on Thursday 5 May for local elections. Therefore, school will be closed for all year groups, apart from Year 6. Year 6 children will be expected to attend for for the morning (9am - 12:30pm) for some intense SATS preparation. School will be open again on Friday 6 May for all year groups..

Year 6 SATS week

Year 6 SATS tests will begin on Monday 9 May - Thursday 12 May. Children will need to be in school by 8:00am. This is an extremely important week in the children’s academic life and they MUST attend school everyday, with no exceptions.

Wishing you all a great (and hopefully sunny) Bank Holiday weekend!

Mr Clarke-Castello

Sustainability - Top Tip of the week

posted 30 April 2022 , 09:31 by J Croxon

It’s PLEDGE time!!

Let’s show our commitment to our environment by trying our best to make a change to our lifestyle.

I’ll start by pledging to use less car fuel by cycling to work one day per week, saving 20% of my commuting diesel emissions.It’ll be hard work and I’ll spend more time, but sometimes we have to work hard to make a difference!

Let me know what your family will try this term and I will share your pledges in the next newsletter. It could be any of the previous sustainability tips or one that you’ve thought of.

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle

Good Luck!

Mr. Haw

Travel Tracker Update

posted 30 April 2022 , 09:31 by J Croxon

We're finishing April with over 4900 active journey's recorded on our Living Streets Travel Tracker! Our children have managed to keep Lea Forest at the top of the Travel Tracker League Table again this month!

Look out for our new badge next week! We'll also be sending home over 500 April travel tracker badges next week for children that have helped to reduce traffic and pollution around our school.

Right of the Week

posted 30 April 2022 , 09:31 by J Croxon

Every child has the right to reliable information from the media. This should be information that children can understand. Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them.

We are talking about this right because it is important that children receive balanced, reliable information about factual events. Sometimes the information we see posted online is false. Watch this video from BBC Bitesize to learn about the reliability of digital media.

Times Table Rock Stars Update

posted 30 April 2022 , 09:31 by J Croxon

This week the children in Year 4 have been taking part in a Top Of The Rocks Competition and have been competing against other AET midlands school.

Congratulations to all of the children in Year 4 who have continued to push their limits to earn points for Team Lea Forest.

Lea Forest end this week top of the leaderboard.

Well Done #LFP4SC and #LFP4SH

Votes for Schools

posted 30 April 2022 , 09:31 by J Croxon

Following fresh revelations, fines, and apologies over the last few days, KS2 voters are discussing the Prime Minister, Partygate and Parliament. After exploring a selection of opinions surrounding Boris Johnson’s actions, they have been voting on: “Is it right that the Prime Minister kept his job after breaking lockdown rules?”

Meanwhile, our KS1 pupils have been taking a closer look at why we have rules and the circumstances in which we may think better of following them. They have been voting on: “Is it ever okay to break the rules?”

Messages from Mr Clarke-Castello

posted 9 April 2022 , 09:11 by J Croxon

It’s been a wonderful end to the term and we’ve been amazed with the Easter bonnets and egg-cellent egg design entries. It was lovely to welcome parents and family members in for the Early Years and Key Stage 1 Easter bonnet parades. Worthy winners have been awarded Easter eggs and you can check out some of the best entries on page 6 of this newsletter. We have also provided every single child with an Easter treat as a little thank you for their hard work over the last term.

I was really proud of our musicians this week who performed in Elgar Hall at Birmingham University. More information about this event can be found on page 4 of this newsletter. Thank you to staff who gave up their time to accompany children to this event.

Trips and visits have continued this week and we have lots more planned for after the Easter break too. Please ensure that you pay the £5 contribution for events that are taking place to ensure can continue to provide such invaluable experiences.

We were visited by Nadine Abeng on Tuesday of this week. Nadine is a Consortium Partner for BEP (Birmingham Education Partnership). She wrote a lovely comment in our visitors book reflecting on her morning with us: “What an impressive school. I have been impressed by the depth of thought that has gone into the whole school curriculum offer. Children here receive an excellent deal and are clearly well prepared to take up their place in society as influential citizens of the world. Staff commitment to educational outcomes and pupil opportunities is exceptional.”

Local Elections

Our school building will be in use on Thursday 5 May for local elections. Therefore, school will be closed for all year groups, apart from Year 6. Year 6 children will be expected to attend for for the morning (9am - 12:30pm) for some intense SATS preparation. School will be open again on Friday 6 May.

Year 6 SATS week

Year 6 SATS tests will begin on Monday 9 May - Thursday 12 May. Children will need to be in school by 8:00 am. This is an extremely important week in the children’s academic life and they MUST attend school everyday, with no exceptions.

On behalf of everyone here at Lea Forest, I’d like to wish everyone a wonderful Easter break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on MONDAY 25 APRIL.

Mr Clarke-Castello

Character Curriculum

posted 9 April 2022 , 09:11 by J Croxon

At Lea Forest we aim to develop our pupils’ character through the growth of relationships that define us as humans. Through our curriculum, we develop a set of competencies (behaviours) which enable each and every one of our pupils to lead a remarkable life. These competencies can be found on the Character Curriculum page of the LFP Website. In addition to the tasks provided by individual class teachers, a ‘Character Curriculum Challenge’ will be set fortnightly on the newsletter.

On this occasion, we would like you to combine two ‘Character Curriculum’ tasks by taking part in our ‘Remarkable Easter Reading Challenge’ (see Class Dojo for further information) and designing your own Lea Forest Easter egg (using one of these templates to help you). Remember to send pictures of you completing these Easter challenges to Mr Croxon or your class teacher (either on Class Dojo or Twitter) and the best ones will be evidenced in the ‘Character Curriculum (evidence) Book’ for your class!

Keyboard Ensemble Perform at the Elgar Hall

posted 9 April 2022 , 09:11 by J Croxon

Music Hall in Birmingham University as part of Services for Education's Area Gala Concert. Our children performed three of their favourite pieces led by our Key Board Tutor, Mrs Owen, from Services for Education.

Our children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to perform at such a remarkable venue and we've received lots of lovely messages via twitter about their performances.

We'd like to say a big thank you to the Services For Education team and to Mr Haw, Mrs Hicklin and Mr Croxon for taking our children to the event.

Year 5 Trip to The Black Country Living Museum

posted 9 April 2022 , 09:11 by J Croxon

Year 5 had a fantastic day at The Black Country Museum on Thursday.

They completed a rag rug making workshop and took part in a Victorian School lesson at St James’s school. They particularly enjoyed seeing the teacher’s being tested and punished.

Also, we completed a guided tour of the museum learning about the life of children in Victorian Britain. Whilst visiting different houses we discovered who lived there and listened to their life stories.

Sustainability Top Tips

posted 9 April 2022 , 09:11 by J Croxon

Special times of the year are wonderful for many of our community, but please remember to be sustainable during festivities! Check packaging as much as you can and make sure you recycle as much as possible.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Right of the Week

posted 9 April 2022 , 09:11 by J Croxon

Article 18 (parental responsibilities and state assistance):

Both parents share responsibility for bringing up their child and should always consider what is best for the child.

Governments must support parents by creating support services for children and giving parents the help they need to raise their children.

Times Table Rock Star Update

posted 9 April 2022 , 09:11 by J Croxon

Last week, Year 4 took part in a Times Table RockStar Top Of The Rocks Competition with two other AET academies. A big well done to 4SC who were the 3rd highest scoring band.

Congratulations to Zain Qadir (4SC), Lucas Wallace (4SC) and Ameera Hussain (4SC) who finished in the top 10 of all the children competing in the competition.

More Top Of The Rocks competitions will be taking place next term against other local AET academies in addition to the weekly battle of the band competitions.

Please encourage your children to play at home in order to improve their rock speed and accuracy.

Travel Tracker Update

posted 9 April 2022 , 09:11 by J Croxon

We've finished the term at the top of the Travel Tracker League Table!

So far in April we have recorded 2,432 Active journeys to school.

Look out for Strider in the summer term. We'll be awarding more stickers and our special golden badges for choosing a healthy way to travel to school!

Easter Activities

posted 9 April 2022 , 09:11 by J Croxon

Over 200 spring holiday clubs have been awarded funding to run between Monday 11th and Friday 22nd April 2022. The holiday clubs are designed for children who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals. Schools can issue a Bring it on Brum! code to each eligible child. Parents/carers will be asked to confirm this code when they book. Details of clubs that are open for bookings via the following link:


Times Table Rock Stars Update

posted 2 April 2022 , 09:15 by J Croxon

This week, Year 4 have taken part in a Times Table RockStar Top Of The Rocks Competition with two other AET academies. All of the children have worked incredibly hard earning valuable coins for Team Lea Forest.

We managed to finish 2nd overall with 339,700 correct answers collected over the week's competition!

We look forward to taking part in more virtual competitions soon against other academies.

Rights of the Week

posted 2 April 2022 , 09:15 by J Croxon

We've completed another month on our Living Streets Travel Tracker and it's been a record breaker for our remarkable children! We've recorded 10,630 active journeys to school in March - the most we've ever recorded.

We finished top of the UK and Birmingham league tables! Keep up the incredible effort.

Mr Croxon has awarded 485 Gazelle Badges for our travel tracking superstars this month.

Autism Awareness

posted 2 April 2022 , 09:15 by J Croxon

We have celebrated Autism Awareness this week and held a special whole school assembly on Tuesday which was presented by special presenters.

Children have discussed Autism Awareness in classes throughout the week and we have ended the week wearing rainbow colours to raise money for the National Autism Society.

If you would like to know more about Autism Awareness, check out the website by clicking here.

Sustainability - Top Tip of the Week

posted 2 April 2022 , 09:15 by J Croxon

This week we are thinking about composting.

You can make your own compost at home from your fruit and vegetable peelings. For a simple guide to successful compost go to the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) website below for a simple starter, try this :


Allotment Update

posted 2 April 2022 , 09:15 by J Croxon

The children (and some lovely parents!) have been putting a lot of effort into preparing for the new growing season. We only have 3 left to dig over now! We already have raspberries planted by RCG, and each class will be growing their own crop of fruit or vegetables.

Easter Competitions for Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

posted 2 April 2022 , 09:15 by J Croxon

We've got two amazing Easter Competitions for our children to participate in before the Easter Holidays. Children in Key Stage 1 and Early Years are invited to create a decorated Easter Bonnet for our Easter Parade on Friday 8 April. Our Children in Key Stage 2 are being asked to create a decorated hard boiled egg based around a favourite story book or fictional character. Please make sure all entries are in school by Friday 8 April (at the latest) ready for judging by our eggspert panel.

Attendance Competition

posted 2 April 2022 , 09:15 by J Croxon

Our Spring 2 attendance competition begins on 1st March 2022!

Come to school every day from Tuesday 1st March until Friday 8th April and you will be entered into our prize draw. There will be one lucky winner per year group who will each win a large £10 Easter Egg.

Attendance Update

posted 2 April 2022 , 09:15 by J Croxon

It’s great to see everyone working so hard to achieve or beating our 96.5% target.

We can only do this if we all work together!

Our attendance for

the week is


Our attendance for

the year to date


Keep up the great work!

Messages from Mr Clarke-Castello

posted 2 April 2022 , 09:15 by J Croxon

We had more visitors from other schools visiting this week to observe the exceptional teaching and learning that takes place at Lea Forest. Visitors commented on the ‘magical culture’ we have developed and the wonderful learning behaviours demonstrated by our children. As always, I am so proud of the children and staff. With just one week until our Easter break, I can’t wait to see the Easter bonnets and Easter egg entries come in ready for next Friday.

Local Elections

Our school building will be in use on Thursday 5 May for local elections. Therefore, school will be closed for all year groups, apart from Year 6. Year 6 children will be expected to attend for for the morning (9am - 12:30pm) for some intense SATS preparation. School will be open again on Friday 6 May.

Year 6 SATS week

Our children in Year 6 have been working really hard, pushing their limits in preparation for SATS week. Tests will begin on Monday 9th May - Thursday 12th May Children will need to be in school by 8:00 am. This is the expectation, it is not an option. We will provide a breakfast of a bacon sandwich or a vegetarian equivalent and a drink. Children will be given the opportunity to socialise with their friends and time to discuss the arrangements for the morning with class teachers.

This is an extremely important week in the children’s academic life and they MUST attend school everyday, with no exceptions.

Attendance Spotlight

We will be running an Attendance Spotlight on Friday 6th May with a spotlight prize of one £5 Smyths Toys voucher to be won in each class for children in school that day. Although this week is a shorter week than usual with school closed on Monday 2nd for the Bank Holiday and on Thursday for most pupils for the local elections, it is still important that children attend school every day that we are open. The attendance team will be monitoring attendance closely this week as usual. The Spotlight prizes will be awarded in our celebration assemblies on Friday morning so please make sure your children are in school and are on time so that they have a chance of winning a prize.

More Football Successes

We’ve had another great week of successes on the football pitch for the boys’ and girls’ teams. The boys’ team played two matches, managing to win both, scoring 8 goals against Erdington Hall and Saint Winifred’s. The girls’ team had an unbeaten night too, earning 3 points to our league total. Thank you to Mr Carlton who has been a fabulous coach and manager to both teams.

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!

Mr Clarke-Castello