June 2013

Summer's Finally Here! -

Posted Wednesday June 19 19:56 by Web Admin

Please make sure that you send your child to school with adequate sun protection now that our summer has finally arrived. Children should have a sun hat, sun cream and sun glasses as we will be making the most of the beautiful weather and using our outside learning areas during the warmer weeks.

Changes to Staffing at Lea Forest Primary Academy -

Posted Monday June 10 15:56 by Web Admin

Statement from Miss Moriani

After five wonderful and exciting years at the school I am leaving to take up the headship of another school. I have learnt so much and had the opportunity to work with many great staff, children and parents and I will miss you all greatly. The governing body have begun the process of recruiting a new Head Teacher.

Miss T. Moriani


We also say ‘goodbye’ to the following members of teachers leaving us in July, who we will sadly miss but wish them the best of luck for the future: Miss Howell, Miss Lawson, Miss Vaughton, Mrs Marron, Miss Robinson and Miss Seera.

Mrs Else and Miss Ashley will be leaving our team of teaching assistants at the end of term

Lea Forest Primary Academy would like to welcome the new Deputy Head Teacher Mrs Thompson from September 2013, and two new teachers Miss Baines and Miss Oliver. We are currently recruiting for the last few vacancies and will announce the full team shortly. We look forward to working together and know they will make a wonderful addition to the already fantastic team of staff we already have.

The Skeleton in the Cave

Posted Friday June 7 8:56 by Web Admin

A shiver ran down my spine. Something scurried across my foot. Cautiously, I crept through the pitch black cave, unsure of what I would find. I fought my way through the cob-webs and insects that were in my path, to reach a glistening ray of light at the end of my narrow path. Drip…drip…drip…The water dripped in time with my heartbeat. I paused. I had an overwhelming feeling that I wasn’t alone, but I moved forward absentmindedly. My heart skipped a beat when I glanced at this pure, white, fleshless body. The skeleton lay as straight as a soldier. My jaw dropped open, but no words came out…

By Y6 Top Set Literacy Group

Year 6's Talk for Writing group project

Y6 Poems

posted Friday June 2013, 15:30 by Web Admin

The Savannah

Large livid lions hunting down their prey,

The elephants were tanks stamping their huge feet on the desert floor,

The wind was whistling at the angry antelopes striking like a lightning bolt,

The tall trees swinging their arms in the morning mist,

The sun lay down as the night arrived.

By Brogan 6JL

The Savannah

In the savannah I saw:

The gazelles play fighting like wrestlers,

The sun lay down to rest peacefully,

Hungry hyenas surrounded little baby cubs,

The angry antelope ran in the stormy stampede,

The trees were soldiers going off to war.

By Millie 6DB

The Sunny Savannah

The summer sun disappearing away like an early morning fog,

There was a whisper in the wind as the dusty stormy stampede was running,

The elephants were making the ground moan when they ran over it,

The sun was like a burning fire,

Hungry hyenas hunting prides of antelope,

Monkeys jumping and screaming up and down like crazy.

By Alex 6JL

Silent Savannah

In the savannah I saw:

Giraffes are standing like trees swaying in the evening glow,

Angry antelopes ambitiously sprinting in a herd,

The elephants were as slow as a tortoise finding a home,

The tiger was standing tall like a sergeant in war.

By Ellis

The Savannah

Antelopes greedily guzzled up luscious grass,

The lion flashed past the galloping antelope,

The sun set is a golden coin,

The tall trees swayed their arms back and forth,

The exciting eager elephants ran up into the water,

The wild wildebeest went after the lazy lions,

The tropical sunset lay down to rest in peace,

Hyper hyenas pounced everywhere like they were mad,

The wind was whistling,

The large leaping lions speeded their way into the wildebeest.

By Fiza 6DB

The Sunny Savannah

In the savannah I saw:

A herd of elephants as crowded as a hoarder’s house,

The sun was a ball of glistening gold,

The dry, dry desert had a sheet of gold silk resting on top,

The tall terrific trees waved their long arms,

Drip…drip…drip…the crystal clear water landed on the leaves,

The zebras were soldiers marching to war.

By Elle 6JL

Please Help Us Look After The Academy

posted Posted Monday June 3 13:36 by Web Admin

Lea Forest urgently needs parents and local community to help us. If you see anybody on the academy grounds or buildings roof after hours we request that you contact West Midlands Police on 101 and report it to the police. Over the weekend our roofing and guttering was badly damaged by several trespassers West Midlands Police attended the academy site on Sunday night and arrested one individual for trespassing on the site. Please help us to prevent further damage to the buildings and grounds by reporting any trespassers or vandals to West Midlands Police on 101.