September 2023

Messages from Mr Clarke

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

I can’t believe that we have already completed 4 weeks of the Autumn Term.   I’m incredibly proud of how well the children have settled into their classes and how they are so focused on their learning.  We have really hit the ground running with a real focus on the ‘fun and fundamentals’ -  doing the basics brilliantly and extending our enrichment offer even further.  I have challenged staff and children to do ‘1% better’ in everything we do this year, sustaining excellence.      

European Day of Languages

Thank you to Mrs Morsely who organised our celebration of ‘Languages Day’, which has been a huge success. Children came to school dressed in a sea of colours to represent the countries from around the world. We held a European cafe to raise money for school funds and each class learnt about a different country and the culture within it.  

Friends of Lea Forest 

We would like parents to be part of our ‘Friends of Lea Forest’ group.  If you are a parent/carer of a pupil in school and would like to be involved in supporting school events such as: discos, fundraising, family fun days and fayres, please complete the electronic application form. Mrs Gonzales and Mrs Wakelam are eager to get started with this year’s events.

Year 5 Trip to Stratford

On Wednesday, Year 5 went to Stratford-upon-Avon as part of their Geography unit - Water and Rivers. They had a super day looking at how the River Avon is used by animals and people and looking at its features. They also had the opportunity to look at some of the town’s historic buildings in readiness for their upcoming History unit about Elizabethan times and the great playwright himself, William Shakespeare. The children really enjoyed their visit.

Happy Retirement

I would like you all to join me in wishing Mrs Edmead a happy retirement! Mrs Edmead has been a dedicated member of the staff team here at Lea Forest for an amazing 32 years. Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else - retirement is not the end of the road for Mrs Edmead.  After so many years of service, she deserves 

a happy and healthy retirement. “THANK YOU” Mrs Edmead from the whole school community.

Attendance Update

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

At Lea Forest, we follow the local authority Fast Track to Attendance process. ‘FAST-track to Attendance’ is the procedure that all schools in Birmingham follow where there are concerns about unacceptable levels of individual pupil absence. It is an Early Help approach with the aim of supporting parents in improving pupil attendance. Where there is ongoing unauthorised absence and parents are not engaging with school regarding attendance, it is the school’s duty to make a referral to the Local Authority Legal Intervention team and legal action, including penalty notices, may be considered.

It’s great to see everyone working so hard to achieve our 96% target.  

We can only do this if we all work together!

Our attendance for 

the week is


Our attendance for 

the year to date


Keep up the great work!

Secondary Applications

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

Your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary school in September 2024. Local authorities co-ordinate secondary transfer admissions for all maintained (non-fee paying) schools. This means  parent/carers should apply to the local authority in which they live (the council to which they pay  council tax).  If you live in Birmingham you should apply for your child’s secondary school place online at between 1 September and 31 October 2023. It is important  that you submit your application by 31 October 2023. Applications received after the national closing date of 31 October 2023 will be treated as late applications. Late applicants are less likely to be offered a place at one of their preferred schools, as these applications will be processed after 1 March 2024, in accordance with Birmingham’s coordinated admissions scheme.  

Information about the application process is available on the council’s website:      

Mr Croxon will be running drop in workshops for parents of Year 6 children from 9am - 9:30am on Wednesday mornings to support with the online application forms.  Please use the Main entrance to access the drop in sessions.

Travel Tracker Update

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

We've been busy recording our trips to school this week and have recorded 7026 active journeys to school so far this month.  Our most active classes this week are: 

Elmers, Gruffalos and 5SC

Spotlight on the Curriculum - History

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

At Lea Forest Primary Academy, we have designed a History curriculum that fires pupils’ curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. Through our History lessons, pupils consider how the past influences the present, what past societies were like, how these societies organised their politics and what beliefs and cultures influenced people’s actions. As they do this, pupils develop a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people and see the diversity of human experience and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society. The knowledge of the curriculum is broken down into 4 key strands: 

Harvest Festival Collection

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

We are currently collecting items of food as part of our Harvest Festival.  If you have any donations of    non-perishable items like tins and jars, please do send them in.  The children will be delivering these to a local food bank and those in need.  Thanks in advance - even the smallest donation will help support local families. 

Votes For Schools

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

KS2 voters have been taking a closer look at the cost of living crisis and the rise in “shrinkflation”. They have been introduced to the hidden costs behind everyday items and some of the steps supermarkets are taking to try and help customers. They will have voted on: “Should UK supermarkets warn us about shrinkflation?”  KS1 voters have looked at this topic through the lens of warning signs, exploring how these can be both useful and, at times, not always the most appropriate measure. They decided on: “Do warnings always help us?” 

Rights Respecting Update

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

Article 17 

Every child has the right to reliable information from the media.  This should be information that children can understand.  

Governments must help protect children from materials that could harm them. 

SEND Update

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

On our school website you will find our updated policies: 

Special Needs and Disabilities - Local Arrangements 2023/24

SEND Information Report 2023/24

If you have a child who is currently on our SEN register you will be invited to your child’s review in October to provide you with the opportunity to share and review your child’s progress and set new targets with their class teacher.  If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s progress please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Please look out for more information regarding our SEND parent workshop that will take place on                         

 Wednesday 18th October 2023. 

TTRS Update

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

It has been amazing to see lots of you using TTRS at home and in school. We will be celebrating the rockstars from each year group in our Friday assemblies from next week. 

Please make sure you are logging onto TTRS regularly to earn those coins and be at the top of the leaderboard next week.

Meet Our Team

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

“My name is Mrs Gonzales and I am the Early Years and Phonics lead at Lea Forest. I have worked at Lea Forest for 9 years and I am so proud to be part of this team. I live with my husband and 5 year old daughter, who keeps me on my toes! I love days out and exploring new places. 

“My name is Miss Evans and I am Key Stage 1 and English lead at Lea Forest. I have worked at Lea Forest for 9 years. I enjoying spending time with my family and friends and visiting different places around the world.

“My name is Miss Francois and I am the Key Stage 2 lead and Deputy Head. I also lead on teaching, learning and assessment, coaching and English. I have worked at Lea Forest for 6 years and I have loved every minute. I live at home with my fiancé and little boy, who is now 20 months.They are my world. 

Online Safety Tip Of The Week

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

This week’s free online safety guide, provided by the National Online Safety (NOS) website, focuses on Apex Legends. The multiplayer battle royale video game, which is free to play, is a game consisting of twenty three-man squads (groups of players) who are dropped onto an island from a dropship and compete to be the last team standing. Each player on the squad gets to choose a ‘Legend’ to play with; one of eight unique characters with a specialised skill set in either ‘Offense’, ‘Defense’, Support’ or ‘Recon’. The game is currently available on PC, Playstation and Xbox and carries a 16 rating in the United Kingdom.

Safeguarding Tip Of The Week

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

Online Safety - Monitoring Systems

As a school we have a number of systems and processes that we use to keep pupils safe online. We use a filtering and monitoring system in school called Smoothwall which identifies any searches that may contain inappropriate information. This system works on any device which is logged on with a pupil’s school email. Smoothwall is monitored externally at all times and helps us to ensure that the children are safe online. Online safety is included in our curriculum as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. Remember to encourage your children to always tell a trusted adult if they do not feel safe online and to never share passwords or important information. 

Early Years - Open Event 

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

On Friday 17th November, our Remarkable Early Years Foundation Stage team (which consists of Mrs Gonzales, Mrs Hartwell, Mrs Hopkins and Miss Freeman) will be opening their doors to share the ‘Outstanding’ Reception provision on offer at Lea Forest Primary Academy. Prospective parents are invited to complete the ‘Early Years Open Day Form’ (which can be accessed via the QR Code on the ‘Reception Open Day 2023 Flyer’) to book a 30 minute insight and ‘meet and greet’ with Reception staff. The ‘Reception Open Day’ will run on a first-come-first-served basis with 30 minute sessions running between 9:30am and 5:00pm.

British Values Spotlight on Democracy

  posted 30 September 2023, 06:37 by J Croxon

Children, parents and staff have many opportunities for their voices to be heard at Lea Forest Primary Academy. Democracy is central to how we operate. An obvious example is our School Council. The election of the School Council members reflects our British electoral system and demonstrates democracy in action: candidates make speeches, pupils consider characteristics important for an elected representative, pupils vote in secret using ballot boxes etc. Made up of one representative from each class, the School Council meets regularly to discuss issues raised by the different classes. The council has its own budget and is able to effect change within the school; in the past, the School Council has hosted fundraising activities and helped to provide equipment for our school grounds as selected by the children as well as being actively involved in providing teachers with feedback from their peers..

Messages from Mr Clarke

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

It has been another fantastic week here at Lea Forest. This week saw the relaunch of our showcase days; days where visitors from around the country come and see the fantastic provision we have on offer. Often these days are quite reflective for me, because they encourage me to reflect about how far the school has come, how remarkable our children are and how superb our curriculum offer is. As always, our visitors were blown away by our school's environment, the high standards and the exceptional behaviours for learning seen across school. 

Leaders within school have also carried out a series of learning walks this week. The spotlight subjects were English and Maths. Our Maths Leads, Miss Collis and Ms Hanley, were extremely impressed with the utilisation of our math stations during lessons. The children have really enjoyed using the math equipment to help them deepen their understanding of the math concepts they have been learning. Our English Leads, Miss Evans and Ms Richards, were also amazed at the provision they saw in place within our reading and writing lessons. Handwriting was particularly fantastic, and emphasised just how much pride and care our children take in their work!

Our Year 6 pupils have spent 3 days at Boreatton Park this week and I was lucky enough to join them on their residential experience.  They’ve had so much fun taking part in activities such as: abseiling, raft building, problem solving and archery.  You can check out some of the photographs from their Boreatton visit on the last two pages of this newsletter. I was extremely impressed with their attitudes particularly when faced with challenges.  They were supporting each other to ‘Push their limits’ by climbing higher and  

reaching goals they never imagined possible: it was wonderful to witness.  Well done Year 6, we are very proud of you and a huge ‘Thank you’ to all of the staff who gave up their own time to chaperone the children. 

We will be celebrating Languages Day next Friday and I look forward to Mrs Morsley’s special assembly.  We are also asking children to dress-up for the occasion. See the poster for here for more details. 

Thank you to everyone for prioritising attendance and ensuring that your children are 

in school and not missing out on the high quality education we provide. 

Have a great weekend!      

Mr. Clarke-Castello

Attendance Update

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

This week has been another positive week in terms of attendance. We are pleased that overall attendance is exceeding our 96% target. As a measure to improve the attendance of some pupils where attendance is a concern, Attendance Mentors have been allocated from within the Senior Leadership and Pastoral teams. These members of staff will be holding regular check-ins with the children allocated to them to support them to come to school regularly.

It’s great to see everyone working so hard to achieve our 96% target.  

We can only do this if we all work together!

Our attendance for 

the week is


Our attendance for 

the year to date


Keep up the great work!

Rights Respecting School

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

Article 31 

Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities. Next week our newly appointed Peer Mentors start their important work in our playgrounds. All successful applicants expressed their passion for every child to have their right to play and they can’t wait to get started. 

Votes for Schools - Update

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

This week, voters have thought about where historical and cultural objects belong, in light of the ongoing debate around the repatriation of artefacts to different nations and peoples from museums in the UK and worldwide. In the KS1, voters have decided on: “Should we always give back objects when people ask for them?”, while KS2 have questioned: "Should artefacts be returned to where they were taken from?" 

Harvest Festival Collection

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

We are currently collecting items of food as part of our Harvest Festival.  If you have any donations of  

    non-perishable items like tins and jars, please do send   

     them in.  The children will be delivering these to a 

local food bank and those in need.  Thanks in advance 

- even the smallest donation will help support local families. 

Character Curriculum Challenge

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

At Lea Forest we aim to develop our pupils’ character through the growth of relationships that define us as human. Through our curriculum, we develop a set of competencies (behaviours) which enable each and every one of our pupils to lead a remarkable life. These competencies can be found at in the ‘Character Curriculum section of our website.

In addition to the tasks provided by individual class teachers, a ‘Character Curriculum Challenge’ will be set fortnightly on the newsletter. On this occasion, we would like you to hunt for some minibeasts and make your own bug pooter…  

A fantastic (free) step-by-step guide along with a list of all of the required resources to make a ‘bug pooter’ can be found on BBC Bitesize (accessible using the hyperlink). So let the hunt commence… Remember to share pictures with your teachers via Class Dojo, Twitter and Facebook. 

School Uniform 

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

If you are unsure of our school uniform policy, please refer to our website.  If you are having difficulties purchasing the correct uniform and need some help, please contact a member of our Pastoral Team and we will be happy to support you in any way that we can. Equally, if your child has particular needs, let us know and we will always make reasonable adjustments on an individual basis.   

PE Kit

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

It is important that the P.E kit is seen as an extension of our school uniform, therefore our high standards should be kept. All children require the following items for P.E: House Colour Plain T Shirt or Lea Forest Branded T Shirt from the uniform shop (patterned designs and football shirts are not permitted). Red for Holly, Blue for Bramble, Green for Ash and Yellow for Oak.

Secondary Applications Workshop

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

Your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary school in September 2024. Local authorities co-ordinate secondary transfer admissions for all maintained (non-fee paying) schools. This means  parent/carers should apply to the local authority in which they live (the council to which they pay  council tax).  If you live in Birmingham you should apply for your child’s secondary school place online at between 1 September and 31 October 2023. It is important  that you submit your application by 31 October 2023. Applications received after the national closing date of 31 October 2023 will be treated as late applications. Late applicants are less likely to be offered a place at one of their preferred schools, as these applications will be processed after 1 March 2024, in accordance with Birmingham’s coordinated admissions scheme.  

Information about the application process is available on the council’s website:

Mr Croxon will be running drop in workshops for parents of Year 6 children from 9am - 9:30am on Wednesday mornings to support with the online application forms.  Please use the Main entrance to access the drop in sessions.

Travel Tracker Update

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

We've been busy recording our trips to school this week and have recorded 5440 active journeys to school so far this month.  Our most active classes this week are: 

5SC, 4NN and The Gruffalo's

Free School Meals

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

With household budgets becoming ever-more squeezed, families eligible for free school meals are being urged to make sure they don't miss out on the crucial support. Households receiving a range of benefits may be able to get free meals for their children. The support aims to help low-income families by saving them cash for their children's food.  The offer is even more important at the moment given that soaring energy and food prices are putting further strain on households at what is a worrying time for many. It is not automatic and anyone wanting to take advantage of free school meals needs to apply to their council.  You can check  and apply online at:

If you are unsure if you are eligible or would like help applying please speak with a member of our office staff.

Meet Our Team

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

“Hello, my name is Mr Wills and I am the Pastoral Support Manager and Deputy Safeguarding Lead. I have worked at Lea Forest since 2015. I’m a father of 4 daughters and spend much of my free time caravanning and messing about with my dogs and cars.”

“Hello, my name is Mrs Craven and I have worked at Lea Forest for over 6 years. I started my journey here as a Teaching Assistant but I have now moved to being a HLTA and Pastoral Support with Mr Wills. I live at home with my husband, our 2 year old son and our dog Reggie.” 

If you need support the Pastoral Team can signpost to a range of different agencies and professionals. We can offer support to individual children and families with intervention sessions and have a wide range of resources. Our newly refurbished Nurture Room is a quiet and calm place for our #Remarkable children to enjoy. Mr Wills and Mrs Craven work closely with the Attendance and Behaviour Teams to ensure a holistic approach to pupil wellbeing. The Pastoral Team promote the school value of ‘Being big hearted’.

Times Table Rockstars

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

Times tables are an incredibly important aspect of Maths. Children need to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables in Year 2; their 3, 4 and 8s in Year 3 and by Year 4 they will need to know up to their 12 times table. Please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home on a regular basis!

Online Safety Tip of the Week

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

This week’s free online safety guide, provided by the National Online Safety (NOS) website, focuses on This week's free online safety guide focuses on add-on to Snapchat, SENDIT. Although not a standalone application it is important that trusted adults realise that any risks associated with Snapchat also affect children. using ‘Sendit’. Within the app, people play question games like ‘Truth or Dare’ and ‘Never Have I Ever’: users select a question to share on their Snapchat story for their friends to reply to. All responses are anonymous, although - for paying subscribers - ‘Sendit’ reveals hints about who sent which message.

Safeguarding Tip of the Week

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

Safety around dogs 

Here are 6 golden rules from the RSPCA for keeping your children safe and your dogs happy.

1. Never leave your child alone in the same room as a dog, even your own.

2. Teach your child not to approach dogs when they're: eating or having a treat, have a toy or something else they really like, are sleeping or are unwell, are injured or tired.

3. Don't let your child climb on dogs, pull their ears or do anything you wouldn't allow them to do to another child.

4. Play nicely and teach tricks. Teach your child

how to play nicely with your dog. 

5. Give your dog space if they need it.

6. Don't allow your child to approach a dog they 

don't know

For more information see the RSPCA website.

Sustainability Tip of the Week

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

Every year, the Earth loses billions of trees from deforestation. Trees are vital to our ecosystem as they help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. You can help replenish trees by 

planting acorns (oak) or conkers (horse chestnut) around the edge of a local park or wasteland.  Plant them about 10cm deep and cover them carefully. Nature will do the rest. You can go back after a few months and see if it has started to germinate.

Early Years Open Day

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

On Friday 17th November, our Remarkable Early Years Foundation Stage team (which consists of Mrs Gonzales, Mrs Hartwell, Mrs Hopkins and Miss Freeman) will be opening their doors to share the ‘Outstanding’ Reception provision on offer at Lea Forest Primary Academy. Prospective parents are invited to complete the ‘Early Years Open Day Form’ (which can be accessed via the QR Code on the ‘Reception Open Day 2023 Flyer’) to book a 30 minute insight and ‘meet and greet’ with Reception staff. The ‘Reception Open Day’ will run on a first-come-first-served basis with 30 minute sessions running between 9:30am and 5:00pm.

European Day of Languages

  posted 24 September 2023, 13:37 by J Croxon

The European Day of Languages aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. To mark ‘The European Day of Languages’, the children at Lea Forest Primary Academy took part in a multitude of language themed events as we are always looking to enrich our wider curriculum and provide cultural capital to the children. Throughout the different year groups, the children learnt traditional songs from a range of different countries, cooked traditional recipes, explored ‘British Sign Language’ and much more (all of which can be viewed on our social media pages). 

Exposing pupils to a wide range of cultures provides an excellent platform on which to embrace diversity, both within school and in the wider community. Activities that explore and celebrate cultural differences provide crucial opportunities to promote respect, empathy and inclusivity from a young age. Exposing children to other cultures and ways of life that are different from their own increases their breadth of life, experience of and understanding of the world. 

Messages from Mr Clarke

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

It’s been another amazing week at Lea Forest.  It is always lovely to see how enthusiastic the children are towards their learning. It’s been business as usual and I am so impressed with how the children have all settled into their new classes.  I’ve been particularly impressed by our new children in Nursery and Reception who have been unusually brave as they adapt to their new surroundings.  

I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and carers who have been really patient waiting at the start and end of each day while the teachers and staff get to know you all. 

Year 6 will be heading to Boreatton Park on Wednesday for their residential experience. There are lots of fun activities planned for the children to take part in, including: raft building, kayaking, abseiling and the giant swing to name a few. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the children to create lifelong memories. We also have lots of other trips, visits and experiences planned to support our wonderful curriculum offer.  


Finally, I would like to finish this week’s message on a positive note… Attendance continues to be a huge focus area for us at Lea Forest, but I have been really encouraged by everyone’s efforts since the start of term. Last week’s attendance was 97.1% and this week we have achieved 97.35%. This brings our year to date attendance figure for the 

first two weeks of term to a very impressive 97.3%.  It is important that we all work together 

to ensure we are able to reach (or exceed) the ambitious target and ensure that 

children are not missing out on any of their learning.

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!  

Mr. Clarke-Castello

Attendance Update

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

This half term we will be running several initiatives to encourage great attendance from all of our pupils.  The winners of the Attendance Leagues will win a ‘Popcorn and Movie’ party.  We will also shortly be holding an ‘Attendance Focus Fortnight.’  Look out for more information about both of these initiatives on Class Dojo.  Also, look out for weekly text messages if your child has attended school every single day.

It’s great to see everyone working so hard to achieve our 96% target.  

We can only do this if we all work together!

Our attendance for 

the week is


Our attendance for 

the year to date


Keep up the great work!

Parents are required under the Education Act (1996) to ensure children attend school regularly. The headteacher of a school has a discretionary power to authorise absence only in exceptional circumstances

A family holiday is not an exceptional circumstance.  If you complete a leave of absence request form and the request is declined, (as it will be in the majority of cases) and you still take your child out of school, each parent within your household will be issued with a £60 penalty notice for each child you have taken out of school. 

If a penalty notice remains unpaid after 21 days it will increase to £120.  If after 28 days it remains unpaid you may be summoned to appear before Magistrates to explain why your child has unauthorised school absences and you may be liable for a fine of up to £1000

Support and guidance on attendance is always available and if you have any questions about this, or if you need help to achieve an improvement, then please contact Mr Wills or Ms Wale.

School Uniform

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

If you are unsure of our school uniform policy, please refer to our website.  If you are having difficulties purchasing the correct uniform and need some help, please contact a member of our Pastoral Team and we will be happy to support you in any way that we can. Equally, if your child has particular needs, let us know and we will always make reasonable adjustments on an individual basis.   

PE Kit

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

It is important that the P.E kit is seen as an extension of our school uniform, therefore our high standards should be kept. All children require the following items for P.E: House Colour Plain T Shirt or Lea Forest Branded T Shirt from the uniform shop (patterned designs and football shirts are not permitted). Red for Holly, Blue for Bramble, Green for Ash and Yellow for Oak.

Travel Tracker Update

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

We've been busy recording our trips to school this week and have recorded 3145 active journeys to school so far this month.  Our most active classes this week are: 

Elmer Class, 5SC and 1EF

Rights Respecting School

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Article 28 

Every child has the right to an education.  Discipline must respect children’s dignity.  Last week, our pupils have

expressed this right when designing their

‘class charters’. They have all made

promises to their teachers and class

friends linked to their right to an education. They pledge to keep their promises for the whole year.

Votes for Schools Update

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

n light of the Lionesses' historic World Cup run, this week’s Vote Topic has explored the feelings that arise when things don't quite go to plan. Younger voters have considered ways to deal with disappointment, while older voters have learnt how to build resilience in challenging times. They have discussed: 

“Do you know how to deal with feeling disappointed?”

“Are you resilient when things don’t go to plan?” 

Spotlight on the Curriculum - Geography

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

At Lea Forest, we have designed a Geography curriculum that is exciting and enables our pupils to be curious about the world they live in. Through our knowledge-rich curriculum, pupils find out about people and places from around the world; discuss environmental issues and the impact that human behaviour has on the Earth. They also explore key geographical concepts, drawing on examples at a local, national and international level throughout. The knowledge of the curriculum is broken down into seven key strands: 

Harvest Festival Collections

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

From Monday 18th September, we will be collecting  items of food as part of our Harvest Festival.  If you have any donations of non-perishable items like tins and jars, please do send them in.  The children will be delivering these to a local food bank and those in 

need.  Thanks in advance - even the smallest donation will help support local families. 

Languages Day

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

The European Day of Languages aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. To mark ‘The European Day of Languages’, the children at Lea Forest Primary Academy took part in a multitude of language themed events as we are always looking to enrich our wider curriculum and provide cultural capital to the children. Throughout the different year groups, the children learnt traditional songs from a range of different countries, cooked traditional recipes, explored ‘British Sign Language’ and much more (all of which can be viewed on our social media pages). 

Exposing pupils to a wide range of cultures provides an excellent platform on which to embrace diversity, both within school and in the wider community. Activities that explore and celebrate cultural differences provide crucial opportunities to promote respect, empathy and inclusivity from a young age. Exposing children to other cultures and ways of life that are different from their own increases their breadth of life, experience of and understanding of the world. 

Scientist of the Month

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist, widely held to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time. Born on the 14th March 1879 in Ulm, Germany he is remembered for his four groundbreaking papers and the Theory of General Relativity.

Musician of the Month

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-George was a French violinist, conductor and composer. His historical significance lies in his distinctive background as a biracial free man of color. Bologne was the first classical composer of African descent to attain widespread acclaim in European music.

Artist of the Month

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Antoni Gaudí is one of the most well-known architects in the world and a symbol of Catalan modernism.

Millions of tourists visit his masterpieces in Barcelona every year, such as Park Güell, Sagrada Familia and Casa Milá (also known as La Pedrera).

Sleep Routine

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Like everyone, children need sleep and it’s really important they get it (both for them and for you). Sometimes getting them to sleep is tricky, but a predictable routine can help.  It’s pretty obvious that a child who is getting enough sleep is more likely to be happy and alert than a child who isn’t.  Getting your child into a good sleeping pattern isn’t just about avoiding tantrums though, lack of sleep has been linked to future problems, such as anxiety, depression, obesity and high blood pressures.

Top tip: Turn off screens an hour before bedtime. Audiobooks or good old-fashioned paper books are a good alternative to eBooks. Light from screens stops the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.  

As a rough guide, children need:

3-5 year olds = 11 - 14 hours of sleep

6-12 year olds = 10 - 13 hours of sleep

Online Safety Tips 

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

This week’s free online safety guide, provided by the National Online Safety (NOS) website, focuses on World of Warcraft. Originally launched in 2004, the MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), , encourages players to work together to complete quests, enter dungeons and engage in player versus player (PvP) combat in the realm

of Azeroth. 

 Due to the online nature of the game, players are required to pay a monthly subscription fee of £9.99 to play. As well as this the game includes mild violence and offensive language resulting in a suggested age rating of PEGI 12, 

Safeguarding Tip of The Week

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

It’s common for children to feel nervous about going back to school after the summer holiday or at the start of a new term and you may have noticed that it is taking a while for them to feel happy and comfortable. 

To help calm their nerves and make sure they are prepared for the school day, you could try:

Sustainability top tip

  posted 18 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

I have found that my appreciation for the planet grows as I spend more time in outdoor spaces.The same is likely true for you and your children. You can plan outdoor activities and games to connect with the beautiful natural environment of our one precious planet without spending money or using technology. Why not collect pinecones, leaves and twigs to create a piece of natural artwork.


Messages from Mr Clarke

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

A Welcome Back Message from Mr. Clarke-Castello

Welcome back! I hope that you all had a great summer break. The term started for staff on Friday 1st September where we spent the day focusing on looking back, looking forwards: Delivering Excellence. We celebrated our successes from the previous years and spent time focusing on safeguarding, personal development, behaviour and culture. It was also a great opportunity to welcome all of our new members of staff joining our Lea Forest family. You can meet our new staff further in this newsletter edition.

It was really fantastic to welcome children in Years 1 - 6 back to school on Monday morning. Seeing happy and excited parents and children at breakfast club and walking through the gates from 8.45am was a wonderful sight. As I walked around school during the day, it was brilliant to see our children actively engaged in their learning and generally delighted to be back to business. It also reminded me, being back amongst staff and children, what an amazing school I have the privilege to lead. Our Early Years team have been busy meeting with new parents and children this week who will be ready to start with us next week. We have also held ‘Welcome Meetings’ for Year 1-6 parents/carers and children this week. I have been delighted with the amount of parents/carers attending these meetings which have been informative for the start of term. Hopefully, those of you who have attended these have found them useful.

Attendance will be a continued focus this year as we have a 96% target to achieve. This only allows up to 5 days of absence in the school year. I also shared a letter with you all from Birmingham City Council which can be read here. A big thank you to the majority of parents/carers who make sure their children attend school regularly. Attendance has been off to a flying start with a wonderful 97.4% for the week. Keep-up the great work and ensure that children are not missing out on learning opportunities. 

You may have noticed that the old caretaker’s house has eventually been demolished too! What an exciting year we have ahead of us - I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together.

Mr. Clarke-Castello

Holiday Requests

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Parents are required under the Education Act (1996) to ensure children attend school regularly. The headteacher of a school has a discretionary power to authorise absence only in exceptional circumstances

A family holiday is not an exceptional circumstance.  If you complete a leave of absence request form and the request is declined, (as it will be in the majority of cases) and you still take your child out of school, each parent within your household will be issued with a £60 penalty notice for each child you have taken out of school. 

If a penalty notice remains unpaid after 21 days it will increase to £120.  If after 28 days it remains unpaid you may be summoned to appear before Magistrates to explain why your child has unauthorised school absences and you may be liable for a fine of up to £1000

Support and guidance on attendance is always available and if you have any questions about this, or if you need help to achieve an improvement, then please contact Mr Wills or Ms Wale.

PE Kit

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

It is important that the P.E kit is seen as an extension of our school uniform, therefore our high standards should be kept. All children require the following items for P.E: House Colour Plain T Shirt or Lea Forest Branded T Shirt from the uniform shop (patterned designs and football shirts are not permitted). Red for Holly, Blue for Bramble, Green for Ash and Yellow for Oak.

School Uniform

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

The children have started the school looking really smart in their new BLUE uniforms.  If you are unsure of our school uniform policy, please refer to our website.

If you are having difficulties purchasing the correct uniform and need some help, please contact a member of our Pastoral Team and we will be happy to support you in any way that we can. 

Equally, if your child has particular needs, let us know and we will always make reasonable adjustments on an individual basis. 

Travel Tracker

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Help us ensure that our roads are safe for our children by following our Travel Pledge and leaving the car at home. We encourage all our families to walk, scoot, cycle or park and stride to help reduce air pollution, reduce traffic and improve road safety around our school site. We'll be sharing our Travel Tracker Results next week which class is the most active at Lea Forest?

Rights Respecting School Updates

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Article 12 - Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. This week, our pupils have expressed this right when designing their ‘class charters’. They have all made promises to their teachers and class friends, linked to children’s rights, that they pledge to keep for the whole year.  

Character Curriculum Challenge

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

At Lea Forest we aim to develop our pupils’ character through the growth of relationships that define us as human. Through our curriculum, we develop a set of competencies (behaviours) which enable each and every one of our pupils to lead a remarkable life. These competencies can be found at in the ‘Character Curriculum section of our website.

In addition to the tasks provided by individual class teachers, a ‘Character Curriculum Challenge’ will be set fortnightly on the newsletter. On this occasion, we would like you to plan and cook a healthy meal for your family

Some fantastic (free) recipes / meal ideas can be found on the BBC Good Food website. The website offers nutritious, triple-tested recipes for vegetarian, vegan and meat diets, so will you plan and cook a home comfort or try something new? Remember to share pictures with your teachers via Class Dojo, Twitter and Facebook. 

Votes for Schools Update

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

This week’s VoteTopic has aligned with the key theme of Environment & Climate Change, and is also in celebration of Zero Waste Week (4th-8th September). Voters have explored the mounting problem of e-waste, and decided on: 

“Do we know how to care for our electronics?”

School Council

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

All classes from Y1 -Y6 have discussed the importance of our British Values ‘Democracy’ and ‘Individual Liberty’ this week. Following this, manifestos were written, speeches were given and new class councillors were elected!  Congratulations to our elected school councillors for 23/24. Mrs Cunningham will be meeting regularly with our council representatives to help improve school life and the wider community.  They will also have the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament in London. 

Reading Diary - Expectations 

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

“Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.  Infact, reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background.” 

(Pearson 2021)

At Lea Forest, we place high importance on daily reading. Each child is provided with a reading record and books to take home. We ask that the reading records are signed daily and brought into school where they will be collected in, checked and signed by an adult. This is a non-negotiable expectation.  Each child will also receive 1:1 reading sessions, with an adult at school. Comments on your child’s progress will be recorded in red pen.  

It might seem like everything has gone digital, but books still play a very important part in school life. As well as giving your child a head start, developing a love of reading can be really enjoyable.  Make books and stories part of everyday life:

Online Safety Tips

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

This week’s free online safety guide, provided by the National Online Safety (NOS) website, focuses on NGL (Not Gonna Lie). NGL, which is aimed at children 13 plus,  is an app through which users share a link to their Instagram story or Twitter account, inviting their followers to give anonymous feedback. The app includes some prewritten questions (such as ‘if you could change anything about me, what would it be?’), plus an option to ask followers to simply ‘send me anonymous messages’ with all of the replies going anonymously to the user’s NGL inbox…

Safeguarding Tip of the Week

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Advice for parents at the start of the school year

It is common for children to feel nervous about going back to school after summer holidays. To help calm their nerves and make sure they’re prepared for the school term make sure:

Sustainability Tip of the Week

  posted 08 September 2023, 11:58 by J Croxon

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

Of the 26m tonnes of waste produced in the UK, 12m 

tonnes are recycled, and 14m tonnes are sent to landfill sites. 

This gives us an average recycling rate of 45%. We can all do our bit to reduce this amount by recycling everything that we can at home, at work and at school. Together, we can make a HUGE difference!