July  2024

Messages from Mr Clarke-Castello

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

I can’t believe that we only have 2 weeks left of this school year! As always, it’s been a incredibly busy week here at Lea Forest. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for the children's excellent attendance. Your support plays a crucial role in their success and development. Let’s ensure that attendance remains a priority for the last 2 weeks - we don't want children missing out on all the fabulous experiences we have planned.

School Visits

We held a number of ‘Teaching and Learning Showcase Events’ again this week, where school leaders and trust members visited Lea Forest to explore the remarkable curriculum offer available to our children. The visitors travelled from schools up and down the country to spend the morning visiting lessons, looking through books and talking to the teachers and children and they couldn’t praise the standards, expectations and quality of work highly enough. 

Safeguarding report

We are thrilled to announce that Lea Forest has been awarded the prestigious Platinum Plus award for safeguarding by Incyte. This recognition highlights the strong culture of safety and well-being within our school community.

Year 4 trip to BCLM

Year 4 visited the Black Country Museum this week and had lots of fun learning about life in our local area over 100 years ago. They took part in a wonderful art workshop where they painted roses like the ones used to decorate canal boats. There was a trek underground into an old mine to experience how some children had to work and a visit to the iron forge to watch an ironmonger making chain links. The children were a credit to Lea Forest really enjoyed living history being brought to life.

Year 6 Greenwood performance 

We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 students who performed a fantastic dance from the Wizard of Oz at Greenwood Academy this week. They did an amazing job and represented our school beautifully!

Year 2 trip to Weston

We are delighted to share that Year 2 had a brilliant time visiting Weston-Super-Mare this week. Their behavior was impeccable, and they made us all very proud! 

Summer Fair 

Please remember that our summer fair is being held on the afternoon of Friday 12 July at 2:30pm. School will close early at 2pm to accommodate this. Please do support where you can by attending and helping us raise extra funds for school so that we can continue to provide the children with wonderful opportunities and experiences.

Reports & Open Parents Evening

On Wednesday 17 July we will be handing out school reports during our ‘Open Parents’ Evening’ (3:30pm-4:30pm).  You can also use this time as an opportunity to meet your child’s new class teacher and see where their classroom will be in September. We do not send out appointments for this event, it is much more informal, giving you a chance to thank class teachers and teaching assistants.

 Have a great weekend!    

Mr Clarke-Castello

Attendance Update

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

At Lea Forest we believe there is a strong link between attendance and safeguarding. A child's absence from school can often be an early indicator of an increased need within a family and poor attendance can be a sign of a safeguarding concern. A child who is not in school is a child who is not achieving: development, social and emotional wellbeing and safety may all be compromised. It is important that if a child is going to be absent from school, parents call in every day throughout the absence.

Our attendance has dropped slightly this week.

Only 5 classes have managed to beat our 97% target this week.

Our attendance for 

the week is


Our attendance for 

the year to date


Bee Friendly School Update

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

Our recently established pollinator garden is already attracting a buzz! 

Bumblebees and honeybees have been observed enjoying the fragrant lavender, a promising sign for the initiative.  In anticipation of welcoming our own school beehive, Mrs. Morsley will be enrolling in a beekeeping course this September.  This comprehensive program will cover hive installation, maintenance, and essential beekeeping practices, ensuring we can provide optimal care for our future apiary.

Curriculum Garden Update

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

We're delighted to announce exciting developments for our Curriculum Garden project! Following a productive meeting with local beekeeping expert, David ("The Bee Man"), we're thrilled to confirm the launch of a school beehive in January.

Spearheaded by our Year 5 students, this initiative will see them actively involved in every step.  They'll embark on a design and construction project, building their very own hive to welcome a honeybee colony. Upon successful establishment, these dedicated young beekeepers will take ownership of marketing and selling their own Lea Forest honey!  Keep your eyes peeled on local supermarket shelves – you might just find a jar of Lea Forest honey there soon!

Year 6 Events Update

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming production of "The Wizard of Oz" by our talented Year 6 leavers on Thursday 11th July (6pm)! The students have been diligently rehearsing and are eager to showcase their theatrical talents on stage. Ticket details will be communicated to all families as soon as possible. We look forward to a magical evening celebrating the achievements of our Year 6 leavers and their fantastic performance of "The Wizard of Oz." Don't miss it!

We are delighted to invite you to celebrate the graduation of our exceptional Year 6 leavers at Lea Forest Primary Academy on Thursday 18th July (6pm)! This momentous occasion marks the culmination of their time at our school and sends them off on their exciting journeys to secondary school.We encourage all families to attend (without younger siblings) and create lasting memories as they embark on this exciting new chapter.

Energy Sparks Update

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

We've reduced our electricity usage by 8% so far this year that's a saving of almost 10,000 kWh of electricity and enough to run an average house for 5 weeks. Our Gas savings are even better! We've managed to save almost 20% so far this year by adjusting our boilers to ensure they are as efficient as possible.

Summer Fair Update

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

Get ready for some summer fun! We're excited to announce our annual Summer Fair on Friday, July 12th, from 2:30PM to 4:30PM. There's something for everyone at this exciting event! Enjoy a variety of stalls featuring games, delicious treats, raffles, inflatables, and refreshing drinks. Plus, don't miss the ever-popular "Soak the Teacher" booth! All proceeds from the fair will go directly to our school fund. These funds help us maintain our outstanding curriculum, enhance classroom resources, and provide enriching experiences for our students. We encourage the entire school community to join us for an afternoon of laughter, games, and good times. Due to Summer Fair setup on July 12th, school dismissal will be slightly earlier (at 2PM). We'll confirm the exact closing times for each year group soon. 

Safeguarding Update

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

Self Esteem

Self-esteem is about valuing yourself as a whole person. Here’s how you can support yourselves and your children in this journey. Celebrate strengths and uniqueness – we need to ensure we focus on what makes each person special, their talents, and their positive qualities. Practise positive reinforcement – celebrate their effort, progress, and achievements in all areas of their lives, focusing on growth, development and effort – not just outcomes. Set realistic goals and celebrate milestones – setting achievable goals builds confidence. Celebrate even small successes along the way. Practice self-compassion – we all have flaws, and that’s okay! Treat yourself and others with kindness and understanding. How can we expect others to listen to our affirming words if we don’t take heed ourselves?

Sustainability Update

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

Donate or Upcycle Unwanted Items 

The recycling rate of all textiles, including furniture and clothing, is only 15%. It can be tempting to throw old clutter away, but donating used items can give someone else a chance to love them. There are tons of places to recycle old clothes and an equally infinite number of ways to upcycle them.

Musician of the Month

posted 07 July 06:05am by J Croxon

Sir Elton John (born Reginald Dwight, 1947), a British music titan, rose to fame in the 70s. A piano prodigy, his flamboyant style and hits like "Crocodile Rock" and "Rocket Man" became iconic. Partnering with Bernie Taupin, he crafted timeless ballads like "Candle in the Wind" and "Your Song."  John's influence extends far beyond catchy tunes. A passionate advocate for social causes, he's championed positive change, solidifying his status as a cultural icon.