July 2017
Parent Events
posted 16 Jan 2017, 19:30 by J Croxon
Yr6 are holding a parent meeting on the 24 of January at 3:40pm to discuss the Whitemoor Lakes Residential trip. All parents of children in Year 6 are welcome to attend.
All parents are invited to our tea afternoon to chat with Ms Victoria Shread (parent) Mrs Wakelam and Mrs Gonzales on Thursday the 19 January at 2:15pm
Year 2 Parents are invited to join Mrs Hudson in her family cooking course starting on the 19 of January please return your letters promptly as places are limited.
Punctuality Focus
posted 16 Jan 2017, 19:20 by J Croxon [ updated 16 Jan 2017, 19:38 ]
We had a great start to our punctuality focus with only 68 lates so far. Remember, if your child has no lates during the focus week, they will be entered into our prize draw to win one of Spartacus’s fantastic prizes!
Welcome Back
posted 16 Jan 2017, 19:18 by J Croxon
It has been delightful to hear about the children’s Christmas break. Our academy values this term will focus on ‘Independence’. Please support the school with this at home by encouraging your child/ren to take responsibility for their own belongings and ensuring they have everything they need in school every day. Well done to the 299 pupils in school whose attendance across the Autumn term was at 95% or above. All these children received a certificate and wristband in our assembly last Wednesday. As a school we are aiming to improve on this figure during the Spring term. Attendance in school is very important and children should only be out of school if they are genuinely too ill to attend or have an unavoidable medical appointment during the school day. Where possible medical appointments should be arranged after 3.30. Leave in Term Time will NOT be agreed except in very exceptional circumstances. Please check school holiday dates before booking flights and avoid dates that require your child to miss any days of school. This term we will continue to provide activities in school and visits out of school to broaden your child’s experiences and help engage them with their learning. There is a cost to any additional activity we provide. As a school we subsidise these activities significantly but there is, an unavoidable parental contribution required to enable them to take place – without them the events and visits will have to be cancelled. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated.
Winter Weather Reminder
posted 12 Jan 2017, 13:18 by J Croxon
We will always do our very best to keep the academy open. But in the unlikely event that we have to close the academy due to heating failure or bad weather we will inform parents via text message, the school website, twitter and Facebook page as well as local radio (BBC WM).
Please make sure that the office has an up to date mobile phone number so that you can be contacted in an emergency.
Sporting Success
posted 5 Jan 2017, 12:27 by J Croxon
We would just like to say thank you to all the parents who have supported our after school teams this term and kept our children going despite some very cold evenings . Thank you for your support
Wrap up warm
posted 5 Jan 2017, 12:16 by J Croxon
Now the temperature has started to drop please make sure your child has a warm hat, coat, gloves and scarf with them in school. It really helps us if they are labelled and named clearly. Thank you
Lost Property
posted 5 Jan 2017, 12:04 by J Croxon
Please help us to return any lost items of clothing by clearly marking your child’s name on them. Name tapes are available from several online suppliers and will help us to ensure your property is returned.
Parking Reminder
posted 5 Jan 2017, 11:57 by J Croxon
Last term we saw a significant rise in complaints from our neighbours with parents parking in a dangerous manner or blocking residents driveways. West Midlands Police have been asked to patrol Eddish Rd, Hurstcroft Rd and Ridpool Rd during January and will be monitoring the situation.
We are asking all parents not to obstruct our neighbours driveways and to park in a legal and safe manner when dropping off and collecting your child from the school.
Funding for trips and extra curricular activities
posted 5 Jan 2017, 11:37 by J Croxon
Thank you to all of our parents that help to fund our extra curricular trips and activities by sending in your contributions.
We fund the majority of the cost of the trip from our budget and receive no extra funding for these activities. We ask parents to contribute a very small percentage of the full cost to enable us to arrange extra activities in the year. Unfortunately we have noticed that a significant numbers of parents are not contributing and this will unfortunately limit the range of extra curricular activities that we can provide in the future.
If you are struggling to afford the cost of the trip contributions please speak with a member of the office team on 675 3985.
Yr1 Need your help!
posted 4 Jan 2017, 12:56 by J Croxon
We have a visitor coming in next week who is going to be building dinosaurs with the children out of recycled materials. (You can see some of his creations here -http://www.creaturama.com/the%20gallery.html )
This is where we need your help! Please can you help to collect the following items and send them into school as soon as possible:
Empty cereal boxes (or boxes of a similar size)
Kitchen Roll tubes
Toilet Roll tubes
Washed 2L Pop Bottles
Egg boxes
Any circular lids
Empty Pringles tubes
Please send in as many as you can so that each child will get the opportunity to make their own dinosaur.
Thank you for your support.