June 2018

Heartless and Unforgivable

posted 20 Jun , 10:50 by J Croxon

Over the past few weeks a number of primary schools in the local area have been broken into including Lea Forest, some on more than one occasion. This has not been a pleasant experience for anyone within our school community especially our children who have now lost valuable learning resources.

Please can we ask that if you do see or hear anything suspicious or know anything about these break-ins that you either contact the school, the local police via 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Save the date!

posted 20 Jun , 10:50 by J Croxon

Save the date! On Monday 23 July our annual Family Fun Day will be returning.

Our parent group are working incredibly hard to ensure that our family fun day will be a fantastic event. Watch out for more information and details in the next newsletter.

Parking Reminder

posted 20 Jun , 10:50 by J Croxon

Illegally parked vehicles will be monitored by the police. Thank you to the majority of our parents who are continuing to park away from the zig zag markings and entrance gates and are keeping our children safe.

Gardening Club Trip

posted 20 Jun , 10:50 by J Croxon

Our Gardening Club had a great time at the Gardeners World Show at the NEC on Thursday

Yr5 Trip

posted 20 Jun , 10:50 by J Croxon

Unfortunately we have taken the difficult decision to cancel the Year 5 trip to Drayton Manor this week due to the low number of contributions received. As a school we will always strive to give children the best possible experiences we can, however it is no secret that schools are facing real budget pressures and whilst we appreciate that school fund contributions are voluntary without your ongoing support we will have to consider the viability of upcoming trips and experiences and depending on contributions received make decisions on a case by case basis as to whether they will go ahead.

Safer Roads Project Update

posted 20 Jun , 10:50 by J Croxon

Our new parking restrictions are in place and new barriers have been installed around Ridpool Rd and Hurstcroft Rd. Work will be continuing next week to improve the safety of the pedestrian areas around the school with barriers being installed on Eddish Rd.

Reading Workshop

posted 20 Jun , 10:50 by J Croxon

Parents of children in RCJ and NPH are invited to attend our next reading workshop on Monday the 25th of June at 9:10am.