
Homework in Early Years

We ask that parents support our children by reading their home reading book every night and helping them practice words from their word list.

Homework in Years 1 and 2

Children in Years 1 and 2 take home two lots of homework in a week. They are given 2 reading books that are changed weekly. They are also given a piece of literacy and a piece of numeracy on alternate weeks.

Homework in Years 3 and 4

Children receive a piece of literacy homework and a piece of numeracy homework each week which is kept in their homework exercise book. As well as this they also receive a home reading book. This is all handed out on a Friday and must be returned to school on a Wednesday so that it can be marked.

Good homework, that is handed in on time, is awarded a homework stamp which can be used to purchase prizes from the homework shop or saved up to obtain bigger prizes. In addition to this, additional tasks are often set for holiday homework during a half-term or end of term break.

Extra home learning tasks will sometimes be given where needed for children requiring extra support with phonics, handwriting, reading, maths.

Homework in Years 5 and 6

In Years 5 and 6 pupils are given a piece of literacy and numeracy homework each week as standard. They may also receive a list of spellings to learn, homework based on the topic they are exploring or even a piece of science to complete. Pupils are also sent home with a reading book for them to read at home, ideally with an adult or older sibling.

Homework is given out on a Friday and should be returned on a Wednesday. If homework is completed to a satisfactory standard AND in on time, pupils receive a stamp in their book which they can then spend a the homework shop.

Homework should always be completed in pencil, neatly written and books/worksheets should be taken care of. We want to instill in the pupils a sense of independence and responsibility for their homework being completed to the highest standard possible and in on time. This is to aid their transition into secondary school, where the expectations of homework become more demanding on the pupils.

We hope that parents and carers will help us to give the pupils the organisational skills and motivation to aid them in their futures.

Updated November 2017