
Behaviour at Lea Forest

We have high expectations of all our children, from the outset we expect them to behave in a polite, respectful manner. Children are rewarded for good behaviour as part of our weekly celebration assemblies. We use a sanctions system to ensure that children are kept safe and know when their behaviour is inappropriate. When an incident does occur we aim to report it to parents within the day and will work in cooperation with parents to identify the reasons for the inappropriate behaviour and plan positively to help your child achieve their goals and improve their behaviour.

The Head Teacher, staff and Management Board are responsible for promoting good behaviour in Lea Forest Primary Academy.

We regard good behaviour as a highly important aspect of children's education and development that they learn to behave well towards others and towards the community in which they live. Good behaviour underpins effective learning, and children need good personal and social skills in order to live fulfilling and rewarding lives as adults.

Lea Forest Primary Academy is a Restorative Justice school.

Academy Aims are linked to our School Values:

· Independence - To promote self – discipline in all areas of behaviour.

· Respect - To encourage good behaviour, individual respect and tolerance of all.

· High Aspirations - To ensure children’s standard of behaviour is exemplary and does not disrupt the learning of others and enables them to achieve their full potential.

· Innovative - To promote a high standard of behaviour within the Academy, and wider community, by promoting a restorative approach in all aspects of Academy life.

· Resilience - For all stakeholders to take part in, and learn from, restorative approaches.

The school values are displayed around our Academy to be accessible to the very youngest of our pupils. These are intrinsic in all aspects of Academy life.

Behaviour Management

Classroom behaviour management may include:

· Targeting specific behaviour using dojos

· Modelling and naming the values of Lea Forest Academy

· Early intervention to identify any underlying causes of inappropriate behaviour

· Involvement of parents

· Work with outside agencies – COBS, PSS, EP and others as appropriate

· Staff development – relevant professionals to support with advice and / or signpost to available courses

· ‘Team-teach’ de-escalation techniques


We praise and reward children with good behaviour in a variety of ways:

· Dojos - an electronic reward system used across the Academy. Pupils may be instantly rewarded with ‘dojos’ by members of staff. Parents will be able to log into their child’s account to see if they have received any dojos and what they have been awarded for.

· Congratulation assemblies - held weekly to award certificates to specific pupils or groups of pupils. · ‘Wonderwalls’ - used to display pupil’s work that shows outstanding effort / achievement.

· ‘Child of the day / week’ - this status rewards the efforts and achievements of all pupils across our Academy.

· Standing up at the beginning of assembly – for pupils sitting sensibly

In addition to the Academy reward system class teachers are responsible for creating a positive ethos through praise and rewards for good work and behaviour in their classroom. Teachers establish their own methods of rewarding positive behaviour with a consistent approach and to suit the individual needs of their pupils.


The academy uses the following sanctions to enforce academy rules and values, and to ensure a safe and positive learning environment. We employ each sanction appropriately to each individual situation.

· Report Cards -

pupils on ‘report’ will have been referred to the Learning Mentor team by any member of staff. All pupils are encouraged to take personal responsibility for the five Lea Forest values. There are three levels of report – 6 green, amber and red. The colour will be decided by the learning mentor team and this will determine the level of focus given to that pupil. Red – SLT Amber – Learning Mentors Green – class teacher Pupils will be expected to achieve well whilst on report and show the grading for the six rated sessions to staff as outlined above. Pupils are responsible for showing the report card to their parents and getting it signed.

· Negative Dojos -

· If a child is disruptive in class and has not responded to verbal reminders of values and expectations, a flexible ‘time out’ system is in place across our Academy. A pupil who has been given a verbal warning during a lesson may, by prior arrangement between staff, be sent to another classroom for a short period of time. This will always be recorded on the Academy CPOMS system for future reference.

· We have high expectations and expect all children to try their best. If they do not do so, we may ask them to repeat a task or activity.

· Detention -

If a detention is given the class teacher remains in the classroom with the pupil for an ‘age appropriate’ length of time at the beginning of the lunch break. Only pupils who have seriously misbehaved during the lunch break should go to the Learning Mentor’s room from the playground.

· Privileges can be withdrawn from children, such as leisure times, clubs and Breakfast club.

· If a child repeatedly acts in a way that disrupts or upsets others, the academy contacts the child's parents or carers and seeks an appointment in order to discuss the situation, with a view to improving the behaviour of the child, with the full co-operation of the parents. All teachers, teaching assistants and learning mentors have the right to impose sanctions except for exclusion.

The academies policy for dealing with incidents of inappropriate behaviour is available from the academy office on request or can be downloaded from the website policy page.

Updated October 2021