May 2018

Safer Roads Scheme

posted 25 May , 10:50 by J Croxon

We hope that the council will have completed the road works over the half term holidays and the new barriers and line markings will be in place for the start of June.


posted 25 May , 10:50 by J Croxon

We are really pleased to announce that Mr Taylor will be taking on the role of Deputy Head Teacher from September and will continue to develop and move the school forward with Mr Clarke and the staff.

Parking Reminder

posted 25 May , 10:50 by J Croxon

This week we have reported 3 illegally parked vehicles to the police. Thank you to the majority of our parents who are continuing to park away from the zig zag markings and entrance gates and are keeping our children safe.

Tag Rugby Tournament

posted 25 May , 10:50 by J Croxon

Miss Lewis and our amazing Tag Rugby teams had a fantastic time at the Birmingham Exiles this week. Our A Team won their competition and have earned a place in the Birmingham School Games Finals and our B Team finished 6th overall.

Well done to all of the children involved in this event.

Choir Performance

posted 25 May , 10:50 by J Croxon

Our choir have been practicing all week for a special performance in front of 50 VIP guest from schools across the region as part of the SSAT Awards Evening that was hosted at Lea Forest on Thursday Evening.

The children performed two songs as an opening to the event. We were incredibly proud of the choir and would like to thank Mr Haw and Miss Allcroft for all their hard work supporting the children with practices and rehearsals.

Parent Pay Reminder

posted 25 May , 10:50 by J Croxon

A number of parents have not yet activated their ParentPay accounts. Please make sure that you have activated your account. If you require assistance the office staff are happy to help set up your account and print out logon details. Please contact the office on 0121 6753985 if you would like help setting up your account.

Reading Workshop

posted 25 May , 10:50 by J Croxon

Parents of children in 2MA are invited to attend our next reading workshop on Monday the 4th of June at 9:10am.