June 2021
Family Fun Day
Posted June 26th , 10:11 by J Croxon
Lea Forest and our PCAB would like to invite you, your family and friends to our Family Fun Day. This will take place on Friday 9 July 2021 from 3pm until 5pm. On this day, we will require parents to collect children in Early Years at 2:20pm, Key Stage 1 at 2:30pm and from Key Stage 2 by 2:40pm to allow us to prepare the stalls.
This will be an opportunity to come together as a community in a safe, yet fun manner. All our stalls and events will take place outside on our Key Stage 2 playgrounds and large top field.
Trips and Visits
Posted June 26th , 10:11 by J Croxon
We are planning to run a number of trips and educational visits in the final half term. All parents will need to download the Parent Pay app from either the apple or google app stores and sign in using the username and password provided by the school to give consent for their child to attend and pay for a trip. Paper letters will no longer be issued by the office. If you require a new password or help setting up your account please contact the office on 0121 675 3985.
Contact Details
Posted June 26th , 10:11 by J Croxon
It is really important that we have up to date contact numbers for you and that you keep your mobile phone switched on during the school day. All parents should ensure that we have at least two contact names and contact details on our system. This is extremely important as we may need to get hold of you in an emergency. If you change your mobile number, please remember to inform the school straight away.
To communicate with parents we use Class Dojo, email and text messages. Please ensure that you inform us if you change your email address or phone number. In addition, if you move house, please ensure you let the office know your new address. You can email: contactus@leaforestacademy.org or telephone the school office to notify us of any changes.
Sports Day Results
Posted June 26th , 10:11 by J Croxon
We had two remarkable days of sport on the field this week! It was fantastic to welcome our parents back onto the field to support our children as they participated in our sports events.
1st = Ash House with an amazing 8050 Points
2nd = Bramble House 7330 Points
3rd = Holly House 5850 Points.
4th = Oak House 4770 Points
Year 6 will have their sports Day when they return to school!
Message From Mr Clarke
Posted June 26th , 10:11 by J Croxon
Well, our feet haven’t touched the ground this week as there has been so many events and activities taking place…But, we wouldn’t have it any other way at Lea Forest!
Last weekend, we invited along our new Reception pupils and parents starting with us in September for a picnic. The weather was kind to us and it was brilliant meeting some familiar, but also lots of new faces. Some of the children were really nervous at the start, but didn’t want to leave us by the end. We can’t wait for our new children to start with us in September. Some of you may be aware that we are having a bit of a staff change around for September with the Early Years team consisting of:
NPH - Mr Haw (with Mrs Byrne)
RCG - Mrs Gonzales (with Miss Freeman)
RMH - Mrs Hicklin (with Miss Clarke)
RFH - Mrs Hartwell (with Miss Peachey/Mrs Byrne)
I know this is an exciting time of the year for the children (and especially the parents), but the rest of the school will get to find out new teachers and classes on Wednesday 7 July when we have our transition morning planned.
Year 1 have been tested this week to track their progress in Phonics. Mrs Gonzales carried out the Phonics screening tests with every single child and we have been blown away by the amount of progress made, despite isolation periods and lockdowns. I am very pleased to share that our Phonics results reached a remarkable 82%. Well done to all of the children and also a HUGE well done to all of staff working with the children. Year 4 have also completed their Multiplication Checks Tests this week and await the results...
Year 5 had a trip to Mary Arden’s Farm and I was really pleased to hear of their exemplary behaviour as they learnt more about the Tudors and William Shakespeare to support their historical studies. Year 2 also had a trip this week, which I was lucky enough to attend. The whole of Year 2 had a truly remarkable day at Weston Super-Mare, creating memories and learning more about the seaside to support their geography learning.
Finally, I would like to say a well done to all of the children that took part in the Sports Day events this week. We were really lucky again with the weather and it was great to welcome our families back on site to cheer on the children.
Year 5 Kwik Cricket
Posted June 19th , 09:25 by J Croxon
On Tuesday, our remarkable Year 5 Cricket Team travelled to Moseley to take part in our district cricket competition. We were thrilled to take part in our first tournament of the year and our team got off to a great start winning matches against The Firs and Chandos Primary Schools.
Family Fun Day
Posted June 19th , 09:25 by J Croxon
Lea Forest and our PCAB would like to invite you, your family and friends to our Family Fun Day. This will take place on Friday 9 July 2021 from 3pm until 5pm. On this day, we will require parents to collect children in Early Years at 2:20pm, Key Stage 1 at 2:30pm and from Key Stage 2 by 2:40pm to allow us to prepare the stalls.
This will be an opportunity to come together as a community in a safe, yet fun manner. All our stalls and events will take place outside on our Key Stage 2 playgrounds and large top field.
Author Visit - Fay Evans
Posted June 19th , 09:25 by J Croxon
On Tuesday EYFS and Key stage 1 enjoyed their visit from author Fay Evans. Fay spent the day working with individual classes sharing the story ‘Bob’s Beard’.
The children enjoyed taking part and acting out the story. Thank you to the parents who purchased Fay’s books.
She was overwhelmed by your support and hopes you enjoy sharing the story with your children as much as she did writing it. Fay also posted a lovely message about Lea Forest on Twitter.
Great Science Share
posted June 19th , 09:25 by J Croxon
Lea Forest participated in the Great Science Share last term. This is an annual event that inspires young people to share their scientific questions with new audiences. The Great Science Share for Schools is the award-winning campaign that invites 5-14 year olds to share their own scientific questions and investigations, to raise the profile of science in schools and communities, and inspire young people into science and engineering.
A Message From Mr Clarke
posted June 19th , 09:25 by J Croxon
As always, it’s been a really productive week here at Lea Forest with lots of learning taking place. As expected, the lessening of COVID restrictions has been delayed for a further 4 weeks. This means that all safety measures that have been in place, will remain until the end of the academic year. This will unfortunately effect some of the events we have planned for the end of term, but as always, we will do our best to provide the best opportunities for our children and families as we can. Important dates are listed on page 4 of this newsletter and we will continue to keep you informed of any changes through our wide range of networks.
It was great to see our first of many trips take place this week, when Year 1 got to visit West Midlands Safari park. The children and staff had a fun-packed day, meeting lots of different creatures and dinosaurs along the way. The weather was also very kind to them! Over the next few weeks, we have a number of other trips and visits taking place to provide the best possible experiences and learning experiences possible. To ensure that we are able to continue to provide such experiences, I would like to remind all parents/carers to ensure they make payments via Parent Pay. If you need support making payments using this app, please contact the main office who will be able to assist you.
Also this week, Lea Forest took part in the biggest ever Young Voices concert watched by over 350,000 people across the globe. You can watch the performance on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao1auvAw1yg
Our Sports Days are planned for next week (Tuesday and Wednesday). Please look out for important guidance that will be shared as we want parents to be able to come along and support, however, we need to ensure that we remain COVID safe. Any parents/carers found not to be following the guidelines will be asked to leave the school premises. Again, this is for the safety of everyone.
National Thank a Teacher day is on Wednesday 23 June. If you would like to thank a teacher or member of staff at school, please click on the link here, I’m sure any messages would be really appreciated.
It’s a busy weekend ahead with a picnic for our new Reception starters taking place on Saturday, not forgetting the England vs Scotland match on Friday evening. Finally, Father’s Day is on Sunday.
Have a fabulous weekend and see you all again on Monday.
Character Curriculum
posted June 12th , 09:11 by J Croxon
At Lea Forest we aim to develop our pupils’ character through the growth of relationships that define us as humans Through our curriculum, we develop a set of competencies (behaviours) which enable each and every one of our pupils to lead a remarkable life. These competencies can be found at:
In addition to the tasks provided by individual class teachers, a ‘Character Curriculum Challenge’ will be set fortnightly on the newsletter.
On this occasion, we would like you to mow the grass or take care of your garden (with the support of an adult). If you’re new to gardening or not sure how to get started, there are hundreds of free websites, which outline tips, tricks and project ideas suitable for children. One great website is: ‘Cbeebies: Seven tips for gardening with kids’, so why not check it out and get stuck into that garden project today
School Uniform Reminder
posted June 12th , 09:11 by J Croxon
We sent out various messages and communications this last term about children wearing the correct school uniform. If you are unsure of our school uniform policy, please refer to our website.
If you are having difficulties purchasing the correct uniform and need some help, please contact a member of staff and we will be happy to support you. Equally, if your child has particular needs, let us know and we will always make reasonable adjustments on an individual basis.
Month of Pride
posted June 12th , 09:11 by J Croxon
Throughout June, Lea Forest Primary Academy are proudly celebrating Pride Month. We have even redesigned our logo to show our support for, and solidarity with, the LGBTQ+ community.
Pride Month runs from 1st - 30th June, and is celebrated in honour of the Stonewall Riots (though Pride events occur all year round). Gay pride, or LGBT+ pride, is the positive stance against discrimination and violence toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT+) people to promote their self-affirmation, dignity, equality rights, increase their visibility as a social group, build community, and celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance.
We will be looking at different relationships in our lessons, as well as promoting inspirational figures from the LGBTQ+ community.
If you have any questions relating to Pride Month, or would like further reading and support, please speak to your class teacher or contact Mrs Hicklin.
Trips and Payments
posted June 12th , 09:11 by J Croxon
We are planning to run a number of trips and educational visits in the final half term. All parents will need to download the Parent Pay app from either the apple or google app stores and sign in using the username and password provided by the school to give consent for their child to attend and pay for a trip. Paper letters will no longer be issued by the office. If you require a new password or help setting up your account please contact the office on 0121 675 3985.
Show You Care - Park Elsewhere
posted June 12th , 09:11 by J Croxon
Please help us to keep the roads and pavements around the school site as safe as possible by parking away from the school. Sadly we have received several complaints from our neighbours of parents blocking drives since we have returned to school this week. Please follow our parking pledge and park safely and legally away from the school if the car is your only option for getting to school. Drivers that park dangerously or illegally will be reported to West Midlands Police which may result in a fixed penalty notice fine and points added to licenses.
Remarkable Lives Festival
posted June 12th , 09:11 by J Croxon
Don’t forget to save the date in your diaries. The Remarkable Lives Festival will be taking place on Tuesday 13th July. Last year 30,000 people across our 58 schools watched the Festival of Remarkable Lives! This year it’ll be even more jam-packed with fun and two live 90 minute ‘TV shows’ featuring all 58 AET academies, with live drop-ins to some schools.
RSHE and PSHE Week
posted June 12th , 09:11 by J Croxon
You will be aware that, as a part of your child’s educational experience at Lea Forest, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensively taught programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education that gives our young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives, both now and in the future.
Over the next half term we will be delivering Relationship, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) as part of the Science and PSHE curriculum which is now statutory under DfE guidelines - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education
All lessons are carefully designed to be age appropriate and to address the needs of all children in the class. A majority of these sessions will be delivered between Monday 14th and Friday 18th June 2021 to ensure children are receiving the key messages at the same time.
Mr Clark's Message
posted June 12th , 09:11 by J Croxon
Welcome back to the final half term of the school year 2020/21! I hope that you all had a fantastic half term break and managed to make the best of the glorious weather we had. Let’s hope that the sun continues to shine as the term progresses.
This half term is one of the busiest with so many events, trips, visits and activities taking place. We will be sharing lots of information on ClassDojo, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our website over the next few weeks, so make sure you keep up-to-date with what is happening and when.
On Tuesday, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Young Voices film crew and conductor, David Lawrence, to Lea Forest to record our Year 5 choir as part of the Young Voices Biggest Sing Concert which will be streamed live on Youtube from 2pm on Tuesday 15th June. We can't wait to join in the performance with over 250,000 children from around the country.
RHSE letters were sent out to parents this week with details about our PSHE, RHSE and Science curriculum. Check out page 4 of this newsletter for further information and if you have any questions or concerns, please message Miss Hadfield on ClassDojo.
We sent out a message about children in Years 1-6 coming to school in their school uniform everyday and changing into their PE kits on PE days. Thank you to those of you that followed our guidance and sent your children into school in their correct school uniform. PE kits can be worn by our children in Reception on Tuesdays, but the rest of the school will be expected to bring their PE kits into school and get changed for their PE lessons. If you are starting to plan ahead and thinking about school uniform and PE kits for next year, check out the Uniform section on website for more information.
There’s lots to look forward to next week. Children's author Fay Evan's will be visiting our children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 on Tuesday. The children will participate in storytelling workshops and have the opportunity to interview Fay and find out about her latest story books ‘Bob's Beard’ and ‘Fred the Fire Sneezing Dragon’.
Wishing you all a fabulous weekend! See you all again next week for a whole lot more!