November 2013

Typhoon in Philippines – Help Fund Raise!

posted 22 Nov 2013, 18:23 by J Croxon

Typhoon in Philippines – Help Fund Raise!

As you know there has been a typhoon in the Philippines called Typhoon Haiyan. It has been reported that there were people that have lost their homes and supply of water and electricity. Most families have been living in tents, they have to boil water from the well and share it amongst hundreds of people. A man who has experienced this has stated "WE NEED HELP!"

Year 6 are raising money to help the victims of the typhoon by holding a Bring and Buy Sale. We need your help and would appreciate it if you could donate usable items such as:

ü Assortment of toys including soft toys

ü CDs suitable for primary aged pupils

ü DVDs suitable for primary aged pupils

ü Assortment of games including board games

Books that are in good condition

The Bring and Buy Sale will be on Monday 2 December 2013 in the afternoon for pupils only. This will be taking place in the KS2 hall. Before we hold the sale we need your support by donating items first.

We appreciate your help and effort and your donations will go towards British Red Cross. This will be acknowledged in the next newsletter.

Thank you for your consideration!


posted 15 Nov 2013, 18:36 by J Croxon [ updated 15 Nov 2013, 18:37 ]

Please try and pay your child’s dinner money in advance every Monday. It is £10.00 weekly (£8.50 Nursery).

As an academy we are required to keep up to date information of eligibility for Free School Meals. Therefore, when you receive any correspondence from DWP that proves your child is still entitled to Free School Meals, please provide this evidence to the main office.

Pupils should only change their meal types half-termly. If you wish to change your child’s meal type please send your request in writing to the Office so we can amend our database

Uniform Sale

posted 15 Nov 2013, 18:34 by J Croxon

We are pleased to confirm you can buy the academy uniform directly online from Brigade, from our website - click on ‘Parents’, then ‘Academy Uniform’ and finally click on the link at the bottom of the page. It is very easy to place an order. The Office will continue to sell Book-bags for £4.50

Fantastic Fundraising!

posted 15 Nov 2013, 18:32 by J Croxon

A huge thank you to everybody who dressed up, bought a biscuit or just gave a bit of spare change to help our children raise £327.00 for BBC Children in Need.

We are very proud of all of the children today they have really made the whole academy feel amazing.

Have a great weekend.

The Lea Forest Team

Winter Weather - Wrap up warm...

posted 14 Nov 2013, 16:48 by J Croxon

Now that the weather has gotten colder we all need to make sure we wrap up warm and have our coats, scarves and hats with us.

We'll be working extra hard to keep the academy open during the winter months and have made sure that we have plenty of grit and snow shovels to keep our grounds clear and safe for all of our academy community.

In the unlikely event of an academy closure we will inform parents via our website ( twitter: (@lea_forest_aet) ( Text2Parents and the local Radio stations (BBC WM, Heart, Free Radio).

Children in Need at Lea Forest

posted 6 Nov 2013, 18:08 by J Croxon

To raise money for Children In Need this year we will be holding a "Freaky Friday" costume day on Friday 15th of November. Our fundraising committee have decided to raise money by allowing our children and teachers to come to school in costumes and make a donation of £1. The children will also be making a selection of delicious Pudsey Bear cookies that will be on sale during breaktime at 10p each.

Movember Update from Mr Haw

posted 5 Nov 2013, 18:57 by J Croxon

During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of millions of moustaches around the world. With their Mo’s men raise vital funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer and mental health.

As an independent global charity, Movember’s vision is to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health. Movember challenges men to grow a moustache for the 30-days of November, thereby changing their appearance and the face of men’s health.

In October Mo Bros sign up at, and on the 1st of Movember with a clean-shaven face start their Mo growing journey. Then for the entire month, these selfless and generous men known as Mo Bros, effectively become walking, talking billboards for 30 days. Through their growing efforts they raise awareness for the often ignored issues of men’s health, by prompting conversations wherever they go. Another crucial part of being a Mo Bro is to raise funds for men’s health. Men donate their face, and much like taking part in a run or a walk for charity, ask their family and friends to sponsor their efforts.

Movember’s not just for men. The women of Movember are known as Mo Sistas. They play a vital role in the success of Movember by supporting and encouraging the men in their life to get involved. Mo Sistas also get involved by signing up at, and participate by raising funds and awareness themselves. Essentially, Mo Sistas do everything that Mo Bros do, without a Mo.

Lea Forest is helping to raise funds to support this charity you can visit our team's page here