Level 3 English

ENG300/ENG301: Level 3 English

Head of Department:

Ms Bernice Jutson

Course Description ENG300

In this course, you will develop the ability to critically evaluate ideas, and respond using sophisticated language and structures.  You will be encouraged to think more insightfully about the issues presented, and to evaluate the extent to which an author/creator has positioned or influenced you to reconsider your own view of the world.  

Level 3 English provides a solid foundation in advanced writing, synthesis and critical analysis skills - all of which are crucial to success in tertiary-level study. 

Students will have the opportunity to further extend their learning by working towards Scholarship English.

Topics covered: • Writing • Critical Viewing • Written Text • Short Texts • Critical Textual Analysis

Recommendations for subject entry

10 credits in Level 2 English


Assessment will include a combination of internal and external achievement standards in this 17 (or 20) credit course:


3.4 Writing Portfolio (6 cr)

3.9 Critical Viewing (3 cr)

Plus ONE of:

3.7 Connections  (4 cr)   OR   3.8 Critical Texts (4 cr)

And ONE External:

3.1 Written Texts (4 cr)    OR    3.2 Visual Texts (4 cr)


3.5 Seminar (3 cr)