


Entering any command without parameters will print out a description of usage.

Note that the power level calculations (dbcalc, pulcalc) assume:

1) BRUKER'S POWER LEVEL CONVENTION. This means that a higher dB number is a

greater ATTENUATION (i.e. lower power). On a Varian instrument the OPPOSITE

is true.

2) LINEARITY OF AMPLIFIER RESPONSE. This is not true on Bruker instruments

at power levels stronger than 0dB (although on cryoprobes attenuators are

often fitted that means the repsonse is often linear right to -6dB)


The scripts in this contribution require are either a shell compatible with

the sh shell, or Python, version 2.1 or higher.

To install, unpack the .tar.gz file. To use the scripts from another directory

either make sure the resulting directory is on your path, set up aliases, or move

all the files into a directory that is already on your path (such as ~/bin perhaps)


This is the first version, with no change history


Only put keywords here if they are absent from Purpose and Introduction


Jeremy Craven 2005


This software is distributed under the current CCPN license (see