Sequential assignment (1)

This section describes the basic steps for how to use the built in functionality to link sequential residues. Subsequently I will describe how complete assignments can be reliably obtained by integrating the sequential linking with side chain assignments and residue typing.


Before starting the sequential assignment we will create a duplication of one of the windows. The reasons for this will become clear when we set the parameters for the sequential assignment procedures below. To do so, we will first duplicate (clone) the window HCN, and then name the cloned window "HCN(2)":

Linking sequential spin systems or residues is done using Assignment: Protein Sequence Assignment, which can be accessed through M: Assignment: Protein Sequence Assignment:

BTW, how can we use HNcaHA and HBHAcbcacoNH in this panel??

The popup consists of 3 tabs, the {Windows & Spectra}, {Spin System Table} and {Options} tabs. The important parts of the {Windows & Spectra} tab are the selection of the query windows and match windows. Initially we will search for i-1 neighbours, which means that we will use:

We will display the results of the matching in 2 HCN window:

Note that throughout the analysis one can toggle the Query and Matches spectra, to search for i+1 neighbours. The choice to use the 2 duplicated windows for the Query and Matches is a personal one.

Before we start the procedure of searching for sequential neighbours and linking them, we need to adapt the Peak Matching parameters:

Now enter {Options} to set some parameter settings for the matching routines

Now enter the {Spin System Table}:

The Spin System Table displays all the existing spin systems, sequential matches etcetera, and is used to update the information from the matching procedures and make sequential assignments. For convenient analysis, it is recommended to line up the several windows on your screen:

Command flowchart

Preparation for sequential assignment