Assigning root resonances (1)

The peaks picked in the 15N-HSQC have no assignments yet, only peak coordinates, intensities, volumes and other peak attributes. In order to assign the peaks, and to perform a complete assignment of the NMR frequencies to atoms in the molecule, we will first link the peaks to resonances and group them in spin systems.

Select the peak in the left part of the 15N-HSQC at 9.744 / 118.85 ppm (H/N), and use R: Assign: Assign 15N-HSQC..., the Assignment: Assignment Panel popup will show up:

In both of the columns on the left, click on [<New>], and subsequently on [Set same spin system]. The peak has now been assigned to spin system {1}, and resonances [1] (H), and [2] (N):

Command flowchart

Assigning root resonances