Run structure calculation programs

In Analysis structure calculations can at the moment be run only using ARIA through the CCPN Grid Service.

To set up for a structure calculation, launch the ARIA Setup popup by typing the following at the python prompt:

>>> top.activateAriaSetup()

The ARIA Setup popup is dedicated for setting up an ARIA job and is officially a part of the Extend-NMR project. From this Aria Setup, the Aria job will be run remotely on the CcpnGrid Service using data that we specify from the CCPN project. To create and to send an Aria job to the CCPN Grid service, do as follows:

Use the user identification ''test" and the password "test123" and click [Submit ARIA run] to proceed. Via a web browser go to the page to see the results. If asked, log on with UID: ''test" password: "test123". Select your input job and click on the [Results] to look at the output data.