Peaks: Draw Parameters

This popup allows the user to specify the general drawing options for peaks.

Annotation Style

The {Annotation Style} tab can be used to specify the types of information to be displayed as annotation for peaks. Note that annotations of existing peaks are not updated automatically (excepting the Minimal Annotations option) because altering peak annotations is a potentially time-consuming process. The user must explicitly activate the refreshing procedure with the [Update Full Annotations] button.

The Peaks: Draw Parameters popup (Annotation Style).

Spin System Info

Specifies whether to display spin system information. For example a peak annotated "16GlyHa2 {12}[30]" has two spin system indicators: "16Gly" for the first dimension and "{12}" for the second dimension. Here "{12}" simply says that the spin system is number twelve, i.e. it is not known which residue it pertains to.

Atom Assignment

Specifies whether to display atom assignment information. For example a peak assigned to the alpha and amide resonances of 16Gly may have the annotation "16GlyH 16GlyHa 16GlyN" thus stating the atoms to which the peaks is connected. If the option is not selected the peak will be annotated according to (arbitrary) resonance numbers only.

Chain Assignment

Specifies whether to display chain assignment information. If selected peak annotations will have letters indicating the molecular chain that its resonances are assigned to. For example a NOE peak between 16Gly amide proton of chain A and 77Ser amide proton of chain B may have "A16GlyH B77SerH".

Molecular System

Specifies whether to display molecular system information. If selected the peak's annotation will be preceded with the code of any molecular system to which it may be assigned, e.g. "MS1: 16GlyH 16GLyN", for a molecular system with code "MS1:".

Merit Symbol

Specifies whether to display the merit symbol, which is defined in the {Merit Symbols} tab of this popup.


Specifies whether to display the peak details. If selected, this means that a peak's annotation will include any user entered details. For example, "MS1: dodgy peak A16GlyH B77SerH", where "dodgy peak" is the user specified value.

Minimal Annotations

Specifies to use minimal annotations. If selected, this overrides all other options. Instead of displaying atom, spin system, chain information etc. the annotation is changed (reversibly) to a simple string to describe which residue (using one letter codes) the peak is assigned. For example "MS1: 16GlyH 16GLyN" will become "16G".

Update Full Annotations

Updates all of the peaks within the current project according to the options selected above. Otherwise the rules will only apply to new peaks. Note that this option may take a long time if the current project carries many peaks.

Draw Size

The {Annotation Style} tab can be used to specify the size of the peaks using various methods.

The Peaks: Draw Parameters popup (Draw size).


This menu selects the method for specifying the peak draw size. Options are:

Merit Symbols

The {Annotation Style} tab can be used to specify the symbols or characters used to label peaks according to their figure of merit.

The Peaks: Draw Parameters popup (Merit Symbols).

Good merit (>0.66)

Sets the symbol for peaks with a merit value over 0.66: These peaks are those that are generally considered as good.

Medium merit

Sets the symbol for peaks with intermediate merit values: These peaks are those that are generally considered to be of dubious quality or worth.

Poor merit (<0.34)

Sets the symbol for peaks with low merit values (less than 0.34): These peaks are those that are generally deemed incorrect or unreliable for a particular function (e.g. constraint generation).

Set symbols

This option sets the merit symbols at the currently entered values. This will affect any new peak or existing peaks if their annotation is updated.