Citing CCPN Version-2

If you use CCPNmr Analysis Version-2 please cite the following article:

Wim F. Vranken, Wayne Boucher, Tim J. Stevens, Rasmus H. Fogh, Anne Pajon, Miguel Llinas, Eldon L. Ulrich, John L. Markley, John Ionides and Ernest D. Laue (2005). The CCPN Data Model for NMR Spectroscopy: Development of a Software Pipeline. Proteins 59, 687 - 696. (Link to Article)

Other CCPN articles include:

Stevens TJ, Fogh RH, Boucher W, Higman VA, Eisenmenger F, Bardiaux B, van Rossum B-J, Oschkinat H and Laue ED (2011) A software framework for analysing solid-state MAS NMR data. Journal of Biomolecular Nmr 51, 437-447. (Link to Article)

Chignola F, Mari S, Stevens TJ, Fogh RH, Mannella V, Boucher W and Musco G (2011) The CCPN Metabolomics Project: a fast protocol for metabolite identification by 2D-NMR. Bioinformatics 27, 885-886. (Link to Article)

Penkett CJ, van Ginkel G, Velankar S, Swaminathan J, Ulrich EL, Mading S, Stevens TJ, Fogh RH, Gutmanas A, Kleywegt GJ, Henrick K and Vranken WF (2010) Straightforward and complete deposition of NMR data to the PDBe. Journal of Biomolecular Nmr 48, 85-92.

Fogh RH, Boucher W, Ionides JMC, Vranken WF, Stevens TJ and Laue ED (2010) MEMOPS: data modelling and automatic code generation. Journal of integrative bioinformatics 7.

Fogh RH, Vranken WF, Boucher W, Stevens TJ and Laue ED (2006) A nomenclature and data model to describe NMR experiments. Journal of Biomolecular Nmr 36, 147-155.

Fogh R, Ionides J, Ulrich E, Boucher W, Vranken W, Linge JP, Habeck M, Rieping W, Bhat TN, Westbrook J, Henrick K, Gilliland G, Berman H, Thornton J, Nilges M, Markley J and Laue E (2002) The CCPN project: An interim report on a data model for the NMR community. Nature Structural Biology 9, 416-418.

Fogh RH, Boucher W, Vranken WF, Pajon A, Stevens TJ, Bhat TN, Westbrook J, Ionides JMC and Laue ED (2005) A framework for scientific data modeling and automated software development. Bioinformatics 21, 1678-1684.

A full list of CCPN publications is available here.