Loading the spectra

In this step we will load all the spectra that we need at once. Following the commands in the flowchart at the button of this page will give you the Experiment: Open Spectra popup (shown below) where you can select spectra files and choose the way the spectra are called in your project. A more general description of how to load spectra is found here.

For your own convenience you should make sure that the names you give describe the experiment. For this tutorial, use names as shown in the screen shot above. When you are finished, click [Open Spectra].

Now a series of Verify Spectra popups will appear, in which you can view and adjust parameters that were automatically detected and set by Analysis. All settings are correct for this tutorial, so just click [Commit] for all spectra:

After the spectra have been verified, the Experiment: Experiments popup shows up. In this popup, double click on the |Type Synonym| and the |Full Type| field for each spectrum and select the experiment types as shown in the image below.

After you finish, click [Done] or [Close - All Done]. The spectra now get loaded into analysis (this may take a while, the spectra are big), and displayed in 5 different windows.


The hCCH-TOCSY has been recorded with aliasing (or folding) in the 2nd and 3rd dimensions (both 13C dimensions), and the 3D 13C-NOESY has been recorded with aliasing in the 3rd dimension (13C). To display the peaks at their original frequencies we need to set minimum and maximum aliased frequencies. For all carbon dimensions we can use 10ppm and 75 ppm respectively. Go to M: Experiment: Spectra, and select the tab {Referencing}. Select the spectrum using the pulldown, and set |Minimum aliased frequency (ppm)| and |Maximum aliased frequency (ppm)| to respectively 10 and 75 ppm in the carbon dimensions of the hCCH-TOCSY and 13C-NOESY spectra:

Command flowcharts

Loading the spectra

Setting aliasing parameters