Create spectrum contour file

This popup allows the user to create a new contour file for a selected spectrum in the project.

The Create spectrum file popup.


This panel specifies the spectrum for which contour levels will be calculated and saved.


The name of the experiment associated to the spectrum that is to be contoured.


The name of the spectrum that is to be contoured.

(X-dim, Y-dim)

The two dimensions that are to be contoured. Note that (1, 2) is the same as (2, 1) etcetera, so only the former is listed.


The table lists all the conditions for the creation of the contour files.


If set to 'include', then this region is included in the contouring. If set to 'exclude', then this region is excluded. For now only one region, an 'include' one, is allowed.

Dim 1 Min, Dim 2 Min, ...

Specifies the start of the region to be contoured in dimension 1, 2... etcetera (in ppms for frequency dimensions).

Dim 1 Max, Dim 2 Max, ...

Specifies the end of the region to be contoured in dimension 1, 2... etcetera (in ppms for frequency dimensions).

File name

The file name of the contour file that will be created. Contour files are stored inside the main project directory, in a subdirectory called storedContours.

Add Condition

Adds a new condition to the list of conditions for generating the contour file.

Delete Condition

Deletes the selected condition(s) from the list of conditions.

Contour and Save

Creates the new precalculated spectrum contour file, using the region specified by the condition(s), and adds it to the existing project.