Initialisation and navigation of AutoDep

If all goes well with the process of uploading your CCPN project, you will be presented with the first AutoDep submission page.  This page allows you to fill in contact details about the deposition and, if you have used ECI (or FormatConverter) to add meta data, much of this information will already be filled in for you.  Indeed, if you have completed your submission in ECI, and most of the mandatory items have been turned to green on the Main tab, most of the fields will be filled out for you in all the AutoDep pages.

In AutoDep, some fields are mandatory, and until all these fields are completed sufficiently, you will not be able to go to the next AutoDep page (in this case the "Instruction to AutoDep" page).  The different AutoDep pages can be navigated in the left frame.  Completed pages are indicated with a green button, whilst incomplete pages are indicated with a red arrow head.  Fields that are incomplete are shown with a red * and complete fields are shown with a green *.  If the fields were re-filled in when you uploaded your project, then these fields will already marked with a green *.  Otherwise, you will need to press one of the "Save" buttons on that page to turn complete fields into green *'s.

Once you have completed all mandatory fields on a page and filled in all other fields (maybe with "n/a"), then pressing the "Save" button, will take you to the next page.  However, it will be possible to navigate to earlier pages, using the left frame in the page, at any point if you need to add or update information at a later point in your submission.

For non-mandatory fields, there is an "N/A" button next to the field, which can be used if that field is not relevant to your submission (such as if you do not have a middle initial for the contact author).  There are also "Global N/A" buttons on each page to fill out all non-mandatory fields with "n/a" in a quick and convenient manner.  Be careful though, as empty mandatory fields may also be set to "n/a".  In these cases, the "Save" button will inform you that these fields are mandatory and you will not be able to move to the next page in the deposition until they have been filled in with legitimate data.

The Initialisation page.

Here you can specify contact details for the person depositing the data.  Details of how to navigate the AutoDep web pages are given in the text.