Create and import a residue template


Unusual or non-standard residues are found in the {Small Compounds} tab in the Molecule: Molecules popup. To create a residue template from the database in the {Small Compounds}:

If you want to set specific molecular properties go to {Sequences} (these properties can not be set/changed after a molecular system has been defined). After the molecule template has been created, we can translate it into a molecule, and create the chain and the molecular system (or add the molecule to an already existing molecular system). To do this:

To upload your own residue template into CcpNmr Analysis, use the FormatConverter which is accessible through M: Other: FormatConverter. In the FormatConverter menu, click Import: Single files: Chemical Compounds and select mol, mol2 or pdb format. This raises the Project ‘...’: ... chemComps import popup where the import file can be selected and “Additional options” can be set. End by clicking [IMPORT].

Command flowchart

How to upload a residue template into Analysis