Windows 10 - WSL installation

With Windows 10 (build 16215 or later), Microsoft introduced Windows subsystem for linux (WSL). This is in effect a full Linux distribution, which runs inside windows. Linux commands are translated into windows commands and this comes without the overhead of a Virtual Machine. Officially, Microsoft only supports command-line functions but in practice, as a full Linux distribution is provided, it is possible to run this with X-forwarding in order to use graphical Linux applications. As a result the Linux version of CCPN Analysis 2.4 can be run under WSL. In my experience this gives good performance.

To set this up:

1) Activate windows subsystem for Linux:

See this link for details:

Note: -The first step in this link uses windows powershell. If you're not sure what this is/how to use it, this can also be achieved by doing the following:

Open Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows Feature on or off -> Check Windows Subsystem for Linux

-A variety of Linux distributions are now available in the Windows store. The Ubuntu distribution seems to work well.

2) Install an X-server 

To run GUI applications install an X-server e.g. X-ming, or MobaXterm, which provides a nice terminal environment and has a built in X-server.

3) Set the display variable

The display variable needs to be set to allow X-forwarding. On the command line type:

export DISPLAY=:0

For ease of use, you may wish to set this in your .bashrc file, then it will be set every time you open a WSL terminal

See for more description:

4) Test any Linux GUI

Try opening any graphical Linux application e.g. gedit from the WSL command line, just as you would on a normal Linux desktop. 

5) Install Analysis

Install CCPN Analysis 2.4, following the Linux installation instructions. Ensure you use the 64-bit version.
