Edit spectrum contour levels

This popup allows the user to set contour levels for spectra in the analysis project. Spectra contour levels are independent of the window in which they are displayed, this means that if a spectrum is displayed in more than one window, changing the contour levels of the spectrum will affect the spectrum in all these windows. Alternative ways of changing the contour levels are available from the Window popup.

The Edit spectrum contour levels popup.


This frame contains the spectrum selection options and provides direct access to Spectrum Properties.


This panel specifies the spectrum to set contour levels for. Note that the global scale (set to the right) affects all spectra.


The experiment name.


The spectrum name.

Spectrum Properties

Opens the Experiments: Edit Experiments popup for viewing and editing experiments.

Global scale

This panel sets the global scale by which all contour levels for all spectra are multiplied.

Global scale entry

Shows the current global scale, which can be edited manually.


Divides the global scale by 2.


Multiplies the global scale by 2.


Sets the global scale to the default of 100.000.


By clicking a spot on this button the global scale is continuously increased when the mouse is over a +, and decreased when the mouse is over a -. The increase or decrease step size depends on the size of the + and - signs: The larger the sign, the bigger the steps.

Auto contour levels

In this panel the user can generate many contour levels at regular intervals by setting various simple parameters.

Base level

The base level that is used to calculate the contour levels for a spectrum. Note that all contour levels are multiplied by the global scale.


Divides the base level by 2.


Multiplies the base level by 2.


By clicking a spot on this button the base contour level is continuously increased when the mouse is over a +, and decreased when the mouse is over a -. The increase or decrease step size depends on the size of the + and - signs: The larger the sign, the bigger the steps.

Number of levels

The number of levels used for both the positive and negative contour levels.


Decrease the number of contour levels by 1.


Increase the number of contour levels by 1.

5, 10, 15

Set the number of contour levels to 5, 10, 15 respectively.

Level multiplier

The multiplier from one contour level to the next, starting from the base contour level. Used when Multiply levels is selected.

1.3, 1.4 ...

Set the contour level multiplier to 1.3, 1.4 etcetera.

Level increment

The increment from one contour level to the next, starting from the base contour level. Used when Add levels is selected.

0.1, 0.2 ...

Set the contour level increment to 0.1, 0.2 etcetera.


These checkboxes allow the user to use positive or negative contour levels.


If selected, positive contours are used in the contour levels. 


If selected, negative contours are used in the contour levels.


These options allow the user to select the mode used for creating the intervals between levels.

Multiply levels

If selected, the contour levels are defined with an exponential function:

contour level x = base level * level multiplier^x

Add levels

If selected, the contour levels are defined with constant increments defined by the level increment:

contour level x = base level + level increment * x

Positive levels

Here the user can specify individual positive contour levels. These levels will be automatically filled in when the above "Auto contour levels" are used. Manual entries have to be integers or floats.

Negative levels

Here the user can specify individual negaitive contour levels. These levels will be automatically filled in when the above "Auto contour levels" are used. Manual entries have to be integers or floats.

Apply Auto Levels

Calculates the contour levels according to the parameters in the Auto Contour levels panel. It overwrites any manual entries in the manually edited Positive and Negative levels entries.

Apply Manual Edits

Sets the contour levels to the values shown in the contour levels text entry above.


Sets the contour levels to the values shown and then closes the popup.