
The Peaks menu gives access to functions for displaying and editing individual peaks or complete peak lists

Selected Peaks

Displays a table of the currently selected peaks using the popup Peaks: Selected Peaks. Selected peaks are shown as boxed within the spectrum windows. The peaks in the table may be assigned, unaliased, moved and edited generally. Peaks can be directly searched for and marked or stripped in the spectra. Several of the functions in the Peaks: Selected Peaks are also available from the window menu Peak, accessible through the right mouse button in a spectrum window.

Peak Lists

This option opens the Peaks: Peak Lists popup, which displays all of the peak lists in the current project and their various attributes, such as:

Peak list attributes may be set here and individual peaks can be accessed through peak tables. In addition, convenient functions are available to display the peaks of a list and to create new lists, blank, copies and synthetic lists that can be generated from chemical shifts, or from a structure.

Draw Parameters

This option opens Peaks: Draw Parameters, which allows the user to configure how peaks and their annotations are displayed globally. The drawn size of the peaks may be set according to several measures and the components of peak annotations (spin system, chain etc.) may be selected. User defined symbols can be defined to indicate figures of merit. Draw Parameters is not used to alter characteristics (such as colour), which are specific to a given list; these are set in the Peak Lists menu option.

Peak Finding

Uses Peaks: Peak Finding to set up how the default Analysis peak picker works. The settings affect how the peak picker distinguishes real peaks from noise, which regions to pick, whether to pick positive, negative or all peaks. Other parameters that can be set affect
