
The window View menu provides a number of options that allows the user to change the view of the window, such as zooming in and out, modifying contour levels and others.


Allows the user to zoom in the window.

Out by 2

Zooms out by a factor of 2. Where possible the centre position is left the same.

In by 2

Zooms in by a factor of 2. The centre position is left the same.

Zoom to selected peaks

Makes the spectrum window zoom in and center on the selected peaks.

Zoom to spin system peaks


Center here

Centres the view in the current spectrum window to the cursor position.

Contour levels

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Remove horizontal lines when ready.

Up by 2

Scales the base-level of the contours by a factor of 2. Works on all the currently displayed spectra.

Down by 2

Scales the base-level of the contours by a factor of 0.5. Works on all the currently displayed spectra.


Opens the Edit spectrum contour levels popup. This popup allows the user to specify in detail the general settings for contour levels for all spectra.

Window properties...

Opens Windows: Edit Windows. Here the user can see the attributes of all, or just the active, spectrum windows. Attributes, such as

may be edited here.