Create and edit an experiment prototype

The Experiment prototypes can be edited through M: Experiment: Experiment Prototypes. The existing prototypes in the {Prototypes} tab are normally not editable as these are reference information and should be edited only centrally.

Adding new prototypes and new reference experiments are therefore more likely to be useful. Ultimately it is the responsibility of anyone who adds reference information to understand what he/she is doing. The explanation here is therefore focused on the simplest way to proceed:

Note: Experiment prototypes and reference experiments are editable when created, but become frozen when the project has been closed and they are reloaded from disk. If you really need to edit these data after the initial creation (remember, this is reference information, and changing data that is used in actual projects may introduce errors) do as follows: Go to the command line, and get hold of the MemopsRoot object (you can get it as top.project). Then select the NmrExpPrototype you want to edit, and set myNmrExpPrototype.isEditable = True. Do the same for existing RefExperiments you want to modify.

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