Experiments: NMR Series

This popup allows the user to group NMR experiments together into series. Each series corresponds to several experiments of the same type which vary in one parameter, such as sample pH, temperature or T1 time interval. The value of the variable parameter may be set for each experiment (condition point).

Current Series table

This table displays the experiment series that are present in the current project.


The index of the series.


Name of the series.


The number of experiments used in the series.

Condition Type

Sets the condition type of an experiment series, such as

Num Conditions

The number of condition points within the series.

Add Series

Adds a new, arbitrary series to the current series. The details of the series and its condition points can be set subsequently.

Delete Series

Deletes the currently selected experiment series.

Sample Conditions table

The table shows the condition points for the experiment series currently selected in the Current Series table. This enables the user to associate a particular value of the variable parameter to be set for each experiment in the series. For example, for a T1 relaxation series, the different experiments will be associated with a specified value for the T1 interval.


The type of condition, which is defined by Condition Type in the Current Series table.


The name of the experiment to which the condition applies. This may be edited by double clicking and selecting another experiment form a pulldown list.


The value of the variable parameter for the selected experiment.


The estimated standard deviation of the value in the series.


The unit of the value. E.g., in the case of a temperature series this can be:

Add Condition Point

Add a new arbitrary condition point to the selected experiment series. The details of the new point can subsequently be specified.

Delete Condition Point

Deletes the currently selected series condition point.

Set/Unset Ref Plane

Sets or unsets a plane as a reference plane. For use with sampled dimensions in e.g. pseudo-3D experiments, where one plane is the reference plane.

The Experiments: NMR Series popup