
At the bottom of the Main tab in CcpNmr ECI, it is possible to add an "Entry" object.  If your project contains multiple datasets that you wish to publish separately, you can add multiple "Entries", which can be switched between using the Deposition entry pulldown menu at the top of the top frame.

On the top frame of the Main tab, it is possible to fill in basic information about your deposition such as a title to be used in the PDB file.  You will also need to select the Molecular System (MolSystem) that was used to collect your NMR data.  If your project includes multiple MolSystems, please select the correct one.  Once a MolSystem has been selected, it is possible to check the chain, molecule and unusual chemical components in the Molecules tab.

Other fields on the Main tab include text for a detailed description of the study (like a mini abstract), additional instructions or notes that you wish to convey to the curaters about your deposition, and the type of NMR method employed (solution, solid-state, etc.).

On the bottom frame, there is a list of data/information that is mandatory for a deposition.  Main items (or objects such as a person or a citation) that still need to be completed are shown in red, whilst those that have been included are displayed in green.  If an item is partially completed, then any incomplete fields (tags such as family name or journal title) are shown in orange, or yellow when not all objects of that type have a completed field.

The Main tab of ECI.

The top frame is for editing basic entry information and the bottom frame is to see what data has been completed (green) or is yet to be done (red, orange or yellow; see text for an explanation of the colours).