Calculate 3J H-Ha coupling constants


In Analysis, it is possible to calculate coupling constants from HNHA experiments. The principle behind this is to use the relative intensities of the amide diagonal peak and the amide-Ha cross peak to derive an estimation of the H-HA coupling constants. The coupling constants in turn can be used, to estimate the PHI protein backbone dihedral angle using a Karplus relationship. All calculations are done in the Data Analysis: 3J H-Ha popup, which is accessible through M: Data Analysis: 3J H-Ha Coupling.



To calculate coupling constants, do as follows:

Now go to the {Spin System Table}, to see the results. If you wish to exclude a particular residue from being used to make any output you can simply toggle (double-click) the |Use?| column to "No". The analysis of the amide-HA/amide-amide intensity ratio can be seen under |Intensity Ratio|, the estimated 3J HNHA coupling under |3J[H,Ha]| and the PHI backbone angles under |Φ Angles| (as estimated from the Karplus curve):

Preserving the data

There are three choices of how to preserve the data for posterity. The first is to make an NMR measurement list by clicking [Make Coupling List]. The second is to use the Karplus relationship to make a PHI angle dihedral restraint list by clicking [Make Dihedral Restraints]. The last option [Make Coupling Restraints] is useful if you have a protein structure calculation method that can back-calculate couplings and fit them to the experimentally derived values.