Inspect and modify spin systems and resonances


There are various ways to inspect spin systems, peaks and resonances in Analysis. Here we briefly introduce some frequently used procedures for the topic.

Spin Systems

Spin systems can be inspected in the {Assignments} tab in the Resonance: Spin Systems popup (see picture below). Resonance: Spin Systems is accessible through M: Resonance: Spin Systems. Here, it is possible to 

perform several actions on selected spin systems, e.g.:

The [Show Peaks] button raises Peak: Selected Peaks (see picture below) which displays a list of all peaks with peak attributes, related to the actual spin system. To display peaks:

The [Show Resonances] button raises Resonance: Selected Resonances (see picture below) which displays a list of all resonances with assignments, related to the actual spin system. It is here possible to:


Another way to inspect resonances is to use the general Resonance: Resonances popup, which is accessible through M: Resonance: Resonances. Here, again it is possible to inspect and perform a series of actions on the resonances as described above, but now with an overview of all the resonances in the project: