CcpNmr Analysis


The analysis documentation on this wiki is divided into the following sections, each with its own subsections:

Download the latest version of CCPNmr Analysis

Find out about key features

Find out about key concepts that underlie the program

Basic mouse and keyboard controls

Detailed documentation describing each menu item and dialogue box

Descriptions of common procedures

Find out how CCPNmr Analysis can help you with your MAS ssNMR data

For those who would like to write their own macros and extensions to CCPNmr Analysis


CcpNmr Analysis is a graphics-based interactive NMR assignment and project management program written by the CCPN programming team. It has been inspired by and is designed to replace NMR assignment applications like ANSIG and Sparky. The program contains all new computer code and while it continues some of the strong traditions of other assignment programs it also provides novel ways to approach the analysis of NMR data, with particular emphasis on improving user productivity. CcpNmr Analysis is not just an efficient assignment program; it can be considered a platform for all the NMR data described by the Data Model (see core concepts). For example you can use it to measure relaxation rates, calculate distance constraints, co-ordinate structure generation, edit molecular information and use it as a starting point to develop new software and algorithms for NMR.


Analysis was developed by Wayne Boucher and Tim Stevens in the group of Prof. Ernest Laue at the University of Cambridge, UK. Most of the code for Analysis is written in Python. Only speed-critical functions are performed by code written in the faster, compiled language C. Such C functions include the calculation of contours and mathematically intensive algorithms. The Python part of the program consists of a series of integrated graphical windows ("Popups") and an underlying layer of Python library functions. The graphical elements allow the user to enter information and to view the status of the data, while the library functions manipulate the Data Model objects to record the scientific information.

Guide for users and contributors

The wiki has been carefully designed for optimal usability. An essential part thereof is the set of standards for the format of the documentation. An overview thereof is given in CcpNmr Analysis Documentation: Guide for Users and Contributors.