Digital Details & Textures

Artist Statement: The setting off all of my images is the outdoors. My subjects are ordinary things found outside. I used normal outdoor objects as my subjects to create my images. I used a lot of texture, color, and shape to create my images. I created these images because I wanted to show textures in ordinary things. I used contrast and balance in most of my photos.

Most of the compositions are showcased throughout my images, by editing my images some of them turned out high key lighting and low key lighting. At first my images were bland and didn't have any wow factor. After editing my images the now pop and show the beauty of the images.

The meaning of my images is to represent texture of ordinary things so people can notice what they can't at a glance. These images relate to my life because at a glance you don't notice me in a crowd, but if you get closer an learn more you can see the better qualities. Something that bothers me about my images is my rock picture because the rocks were having a hard time focusing which made the images less strong then it could have been.