Sustained Investigation #2

I’m calling this project, Gracie because it is an abstract relief of my friend Gracie. The subject is the hair, face shape, and necklace of my friend Gracie. I chose to create this specific work because I wanted to make portraits, but I didn’t want them to just be regular portraits, so I decided to put defining features on, like her necklace and hair color. When I was creating this I had an abstract idea in mind.

For materials, I used paper, marker, glue, tape, and cardboard. I used the marker to give my work color and cardboard to give my work depth. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: cutting and outlining. While creating this work, I paid close attention to making sure that it wasn’t to abstract that you couldn’t tell what it is, but it was still abstract. I wanted my artwork to show my friend Gracie as a portrait and I did this by making it realistic enough that you could tell who is, but not too realistic.

I like the way the hair falls in front of the face and behind the face on certain parts of the sculpture. However, I struggled with cutting the base cardboard because cardboard is just hard to cut without an exacto knife. If I created another work like this I may have used watercolor to make the hair, but i didn’t have any. My work shows that I learned how to make a piece of work based off an inquiry question.