Inspired Film

The setting of my image is in a cemetery, I pointed my camera upward and took a photo of a gloomy tree, which is the subject of my image. I made my image by, like I stated before, pointing my camera into the trees to use the angle up aspect. The materials I utilized were the outdoors and the cemetery, although you can't see the cemetery I feel it gives the picture a gloomy sense. I chose to create this image because I was trying to mimic the same gloomy and foggy aspect that Chip Hooper shows us in his work. I used line and form as elements in my photo which is clear when you see the power lines in my photo. I also used pattern and rhythm in my image as principles of design. I believe this is also clear seeing the rhythm because of the power lines.

Now let me talk about compositions and techniques. Some are pretty clear in my photo. Angle up is quite valid in my image. When I was taking the photo It is clear I pointed my camera upward, I wanted to show more of the tree and I could do that by making my image angle up. Another aspect that is obvious in my image is leading line as well as low key lighting. One thing I revised about my image is the image itself. When I first processed my roll of film I was leaning toward using another image, but after seeing my contact sheet, I knew I needed to go with this one.

The meaning behind the image I created, is to try to mimic the great work of Chip Hooper. Now the story behind my image is to show the beauty a cemetery can show. That cemetery has brought me many joys in life. It may be a bit disrespectful, but I loved playing in there as a kid with my cousins and neighbors. Like I said, this relates my life because I loved playing in the cemetery as a kid and I saw that it can actually be beautiful, like I tried to show in my image. Something that bothers be a bit is that it is a little blurry. Though my image is still clear I could have steadied the camera better when taking the image.