Sustained Investigation #12

I’m calling this project, Two Birds, One Planet because I created this simple landscape with two birds to show the simplicity and beauty of our world. I chose to create this specific work because my sustained investigation has been about exploring environmental issues and I wanted to show some of the beauty our world has to offer through a seascape. I tried to show the different shades in the water and I did this by mixing a lot of different shades of blues and greens.

For materials, I used acrylic. I used acrylic paints for the background of the piece and the sun and birds. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: layering and shading While creating this work, I paid close attention to making sure that the water showed the different ways the seas could look through the different colors. I wanted my artwork to be an aesthetic piece and I did that by using minimal colors and shapes that create a simple landscape.

I like the way my work looks aesthetic and a beautiful scene. However, I struggled with making the birds with acrylic because I had to redo them so many times. I wanted to show a colorful body of water and I did that by using a range of colors as the sea. If I created another work like this I may have made the birds using marker. My work shows that I learned how to make a piece of work from that brings attention to an important topic and shows the beauty of our world.