Donate Life

I’m calling this project, Donate Life because it is a project fro a competition that brings awareness to organ and tissue donation. I chose to create this specific work because I like using watercolor in my work and the competition was open to whatever media you wanted to use. I tried to show different backgrounds and settings to show the beauty of life and how you could give that to somebody else.

For materials, I used markers and watercolor. I used watercolor for the different settings and marker for the words. I used a variety of techniques and methods including: brushstrokes and layering. While creating this work, I paid close attention to making sure that I showed different settings in my work. I wanted my artwork to be simple and I did that by making the background vary but also stay consistent with colors.

I like the way my setting look because there’s a good variety. However, I struggled with making the words look the right font. I wanted to show a simple background and i did this by making it with a simple color palette. If I created another work like this I may have tried different fonts for the wording. My work shows that I learned make a piece inspired by a competition.