
Artist Statement

The subjects of my image are eagles grouped together just like Sebastian has his animals that he photographs grouped together. The setting of my image is a meadow. To create my image I used a meadow from a magazine and found different pictures of eagles and I had to make sure I had the right distance and spacing when forming them into a collage. I chose to create this image because I thought it clearly mimicked Sebastian’s technique of grouping together animals. I had to arrange the collage perfectly if the eagle was larger I would bring it further down the image and if the eagles were smaller, I would have to push towards the back of the image. the eagles had to be perfectly spaced on the image.

When analyzing my inspired image I had to think about how my project evolved and how I revised it. My project evolved in only one way. I first had the backdrop of my collage set as a pond or lake. I soon realized that if my image were to mimic the accuracy that Sebastian Salgado represents, I would have to change my backdrop to something more inhabitable for an eagle. I knew I had to change my backdrop to the sky, a meadow or at least something habitable to eagles. Luckily, I found a meadow that worked for my collage.

I chose to create this image because It could mimic the beauty of animals and grouping and repetition just like Sebastian Salgado could. The meaning of my image is showing all the beauty that animals can give you while also showing some pain we cause animals. Why would they group together if they didn’t need to protect themselves. This image relates to my life because like animals, we humans group together as well. We need family and friends to stay close just as the animals do in this image. Something that specifically bothers me about the inspired image I created is the eagle at the top does not have a perfectly cut out wing whicch I’m drawn to.